•Chapter 3~ Kokichi(idk what to even call this)!•

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No ones P.O.V
Kokichi went on a walk with K1-Bo and talked about how amazing day they had yesterday (in chapter 2 that was a break on Monday cause it was a student holiday to celebrate, sorry I didn't mention that, it's cringy ok)! K1-Bo went to the mall with Rantaro while Kokichi just explained what happened before K1-Bo had time to spend with Rantaro. Kiibo was surprised! Kokichi felt bad about it. Kiibo and Kokichi finally arrived at the school.
Shuichi was laughing and smiling at her, while Kokichi was just looking like shit.(not really like my smol baby is so adorbs!! Never say anything else about 'em)
Ding!!!! Ding!!!
The bell rang, it's time to go..
Kokichi's P.O.V
Great.. back at school time. Another day of hell! "Alrighty class! Today we are doing a project on what are feelings and why do they exist!!! This is with partners and you may do it by your self!!" It depends on who I'm with, my list of people I don't want to be with is..
•and that's it?
"Kokichi is with Shuichi! Why? Well because Shuichi is smart and Kokichi is dumb founded!!" Yea I know scum bag 'I thought'. I raised my hand. "What Kokichi?" The teacher said in a angered voice. "Can I work alone..?"
"Hah! Sure thing, but if you fail you know what'll happen, two months of detention!!" The teacher yelled. "Ok. Nishishishi!~"
Shuichi's P.O.V
Why did Kokichi want to work alone? That's weird..oh well! I have my next target ready~
Kokichi started to work, and I just stared at him the rest of the period.
Kokichi's P.O.V
I started to feel dizzy, so I asked if I could go to the bathroom, to my relief I can. When I went in there I tripped on something sharp. "Ahhh!" I yelled but covered my mouth, luckily no one was in here.
I saw the sharp object and it was a taser that hurts the criminals when they do something bad. I picked it up and did it to my self, I felt a tone of pain from the electricity flowing through my blood.
I tucked it in my pocket so I could bring it home. "Oh my god! I forgot my mask at Mui's house!!!!" I screamed inside my head, that's why Kiibo was wondering why I was so tired!
¥Time skip(sorry)¥
No ones P.O.V
Kokichi ran up to Mui and whisper yelled, "where's my mask?!" Mui quickly handed him his mask because she was the only one with the same problem as him. Kokichi put it on and looked the same but happier, way too happy... Kokichi thoughts were running wild and wilder every second he thought about Shuichi.
Haha stupid Kokichi, you really think I liked you? Hah to fat, ugly, lier, piece of shit! Kokichi's thoughts about everyone and how they wanted to say that. It was lunch time by that time and he decided to skip lunch break and hide in the bathroom thinking.
Shuichi's P.O.V
Time for lunch!! Yes now I can talk with Kokichi, I wonder where he co- My thoughts stopped as I realized Kokichi's back head had a strap like he was wearing something.

(Your beloved fat UwU writer) ok I know i know I am really bad at writing but oh well, sorry if it doesn't make sense... anyway!! Hope y'all love this so far? Idk

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