Jimin learns something new.

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You came home the next day to find Kook snoring on the sofa, Yoongi, and Namjoon on the floor at the table, notebooks and piles of paper in front of them going over lyrics. Yoongi turns his head to look up at you as you walk by, his jaw-dropping down in shock. He usually came home later than you, so he has never seen you in your work clothes. Not to mention every time he seen you your hair was piled on top of your head. To realize your thick black hair fell in a cascade nearly to your waist was not something he expected to see. Namjoon looked up when he hears a soft sound coming from the man sitting across from him.

"Everything ok Hyung?"

"Uh.. oh um yeah." Yoongi shakes his head a little bit before looking back down at his papers.

"Was that Nascha just coming in? It's already 6:30. Do real estate agents even work that late?"

"Maybe she had a late showing because someone had to work, or maybe she stayed to finish up some paperwork. Who knows. Let's get back to these lyrics so we can try to get one song done tonight."


You walk back into the main room, an oversized red shirt covering your leggings.  Finally feeling at ease enough to not cover yourself in a hoodie around the guys. Hair up in a bun and contacts exchanged for your glasses, giving you a nerdy look. Dropping your stuff on the kitchen table you open a client's folder, reviewing their wants and budget before opening your laptop, going to the program your company uses to list the houses. You began your search of trying to find the young couple the perfect house; one they can live in for years as they grow their family. One to make magical memories in. That's what you liked to consider when you were finding people places. Are they going to look back fondly at their time in the house, the memories of raising their kids, seeing their grandkids come to visit; not a house that is going to require constant upkeep or something they will have to fix up. Unless that is something they are looking for, you have enough young single clients who want to make their own stamp on their house and look for things that need to be fixed. It always intrigues you to hear them explain what they want; what they are looking for and how they plan on fixing it and making it their own. You truly enjoy trying to help each person or couple find their own jewel.

You're about halfway through your stack, little notes of house numbers and codes littering the page when you hear someone come into the room, stopping at the table. Looking up you see Jimin grinning down at you. "Um, yes?"

"I didn't know you wore glasses Noona. Can I call you Noona?" He questions, giving you his trademark squinty eye smile.

"Depends, I think we're born in the same year, but what month? Never know, you could be older than me." You tease him as you lay your Cooky pen on the papers in front of you.

"October 13."

"Ahh, then sadly yes, I am your Noona. It's ok to call me that. I don't mind."

"Yay, another Noona!" He happily reacted, pulling out the chair across from you and sitting down, his chin resting on his hands like a pretty blond flower.

"Another Noona? How many do you have?" You question him, your eyebrow raising.

"Pretty much all the stylists are noona's except maybe two. But it's sorta nice. Whatcha doing?"

"Trying to match up available houses to what some clients want. It can be fun, trying to find 'the one' that will be their forever home, or maybe a starter home. Do you want to try it? Nothing is set in stone so if I don't agree with what you choose I won't note it on their page but give it a shot." You hand him the next client page and turn the computer around, showing him to input their must-have information to get the best list possible. He scrolls through, asking you a few questions on what certain things were, opening a few listings before giving a happy squeal, turning the computer back around.

"This one! It's perfect for them. It's in the location they want to keep the kids in school, way under their budget, the amount of room they want. It has a fenced-in yard for their dog and minimal work that needs to be done, but work that they said they were ok with."

You look at the listing, comparing the house to the client notes, humming happily to yourself as you agree, and make a notation on their page to take them to see their house. "This is great Jiminie, I think they'll love this. I'll definitely show them the listing to see if they want to look at it. You could totally do this if you ever decide to give up being an Idol."

"We're not letting him leave us any time soon Nascha." A quiet voice pipes up from behind you, startling you as you turn your head quickly. 

"Jesus Yoongi you scared me! Please don't sneak up on me. I'm not good with surprises like that." Your hand over your chest as you look up at him with big shocked eyes.

"Sorry. I thought you guys heard me come in, I wasn't trying to be quiet or anything. I didn't know you wore glasses." His eyes skimming from your hair down to your freshly painted purple toes. "You're not wearing one of Kooks hoodies. Are you finally warm enough?"

"Oh um. That's not why I wear them, but the temperature is fine in here. And yeah, I used my last pair earlier. I have a new box ordered but I just have to wait for them to come in. Do they look that bad?" Your hands flitting up to your glasses nervously. You always hated wearing your glasses but sometimes it just couldn't be helped.

"They're cute Noona. Don't pay attention to him." Jimin's little voice piped up.

"I never said they looked bad Minnie." Yoongis quiet voice admonished, "Don't make me look like a bad guy when for once I'm not."

You start gathering your papers up, putting them in the file while shutting your computer down. "I should probably get this cleared up so we can get dinner out for everyone. I'll be back to get it started once I drop this off in my room."

You stop quickly when you feel Yoongi lay his hand on your arm. "It's fine Nascha. Jin is still in the studio working on vocals so we're just ordering in tonight. No need to cook for us."

You nod and give him a small smile, picking your stuff up anyway and heading to your room. You need to get away from Yoongi and the butterflies that always seem to visit you when you hear his voice. 


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