The Vow of the Revenants

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(Takes place at the end of the game neutral ending)

The Skull King howls in anger as the group of six land they're final strikes upon it the creature then falls and begins to turn into stone.

???."So it's over we have to contain the relics can you handle this many it's far more than just one." The man then looks to his left as a woman approaches the corpse of the beast

The large beast that lay dead before them turned to stone began to regenerate as multiple relics raised above the corpse the woman then grabs the relics and screams in agony as it seems to consume her.

???."Its to much she can't control them all." He goes to stop her but feels a grip on his shoulder a woman dressed in a red dress pleads with him.

???."Jack we must trust her she is the only one who can stop the relics if we try we will all be consumed."

Hearing loud screaming coming from behind them the group turns to see creatures of the darkness begin to flood into the room.

Jack." Io stay with her and keep her safe we will hold them as long as we can, if we survive this I'm getting you all drinks."

Io."I will keep her safe Yakumo,Louis take these."

She then tosses the two men green vials they then shout back "Thanks Io we will make good use of them."Then they pop the corks and consume one vial each feeling invigorated slicing one of the creatures in half Yakumo shouts."Man these little sure come in handy Mia Eva take out the ones in the back."

Mia and Eva focus on the creature standing at the back firing their rifles to find the shots met its targets taking down four with a couple of shots then firing more shots taking down two more before they are rushed by a large creature the two of them then proceed to use the bayonet at the end of their guns to stab and slash the beast to death

Jack and Louis dash into the middle of the large group slicing three creatures from head to toe then Yakumo jumps from behind them to stab a larger creature straight through the head killing it instantly but two make a rush for Zoey and Io Jack yells."Io two slipped passed us they are coming for you"

Io seeing the two running at her readies her halberd as they then jump at her she stabs the first and uses his body as a shield from the strike of the other creature then dislodges the blade from it to slice the other in half at the waist

The group finishes crushing the beasts dwindling the numbers as the last of the beast laying dying they look back to their friend as she finally consumes the last relic.

Louise." We did it its finally over."

Yakumo."Woo come on let's hear some cheering we just did the impossible"

Jack".We should not celebrate yet more are likely on there way here now."

Mia."Zoey hey Zoey did you see us we were totally badass right hey guys what's wrong Zoey what is she doing?"

They all look to the woman who absorbed the relics to see her sitting upon the great throne that Silva once owned as she drifts away and slowly stops then moves no more resting her head on her fist with closed eyes.

Mia."Io what's wrong with Zoey why is she not moving I thought she could handle the relics and she could contain them what happened?"as she is on the verge of tears Io moves to Zoey's side

Louis."Io what is wrong?" As the others also approach Zoey as she lays in the throne silent and unmoving Yakumo."No she can't be gone she was the one who drives us all forward we couldn't have done any of this without her there is got to be something!"

Io."She is using the power from Silva's throne and her own power to quell the relics to enter a coma like state so she can still hold the barrier like Silva she told me this would happen." A single tear runs down Io's cheek and hits the ground and she begins to turn to stone the others look in terror she then leans against Zoey's leg and hums a old tune she heard from Eva.

Eva."Io what's happening why are you turning please don't go we need you just as much as we needed her." She pleads with Io but the only thing Io says is "I must be there for her when she does awake and I would not survive the wait so I must die so I can be reborn for her I'm so sorry everyone ."

The group looks upon the two of them one is stone leaning up against her best friend and the other doomed to hold the barrier for all eternity then Louis steps in front of the group and begins speak in a raspy voice obviously holding back tears.

Louis."Even thought they are gone we still have a job to do we must hold the creatures back and help anyone we can we cannot let their sacrifice be in vain we will fight on and as long as I draw breath I will fight." He then looks over the others and shouts "Who is with me our work is never done who will fight with me!"

Everyone".Yeah Louis we are with you!"

Jack."Well now that we are all motivated and stuff we can't just leave her here alone who knows what or who else could come and try to harm her so who will stay?" Mia then perks up and shouts "how about we all stay" the group then looks at her with bewildered gazes Yakumo."what do you mean all of us are you saying we all should seal ourselves in here?"

Mia." No dummy I mean we all should come by and talk to her every day each one us we all owe her so much so I believe we should all look after her like how she has always looked out for us!" She almost makes it though her idea without crying but breaks down at the end and says "Its the only thing we can do for her anymore we owe her this much at least."

Everyone stares at Zoey on the throne and then to each other after that Mia feels a hand on her shoulder she looks up to see Louis he smiles at her then says "You are right we all owe her so much we will all look out for her no matter what."

(This was my first attempt at a fan story don't worry I'm not done yet haha I hope is wasn't to long super new at this hope you enjoyed it)

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