8 ~ Newt Scamander

Start from the beginning

Sirius followed Newt and the now awake Silver into the Scamander mansion. As he walked in he gazed around the room, there wasn't much interior decorating other than a few sofas and chairs, a couple coffee tables and paintings around the room. Sirius looked around in amazement although it was very minimalistic it was captivating. Silver watched the boy with amusement, she too took this time to glance around the house.

It hadn't changed at all from the last time she had visited but she was more excited about the ventures she was to have inside Newts enchanted case. Newt however, was in the kitchen making tea for the two guests. It was now Sirius' turn to admire Silver, her eyes glittering as she gazed around the room. Her hair which was now slightly messed up from her nap flowed freely down her back, Sirius noticed the blonde tinge of her hair further showing the joy this simplistic house gave her.

Newt walked in with a tray of tea and offered it to the two. Silver sat on the sofa shaking her leg impatiently, "Can we go into the trunk now please, please, please Newty." Silver pleaded causing her hair to shimmer which indicated to Sirius she was using her charm to convince him. Newt rolled his eyes playfully and reached for his wand summoning the case.

Silver jumped up in excitement and opened the case, Galleon who had been sleeping in Silvers left pocket had now jumped out and darted towards Newt. He scooped up the small bowtruckle and place it on his shoulder, Pickett who was roaming around the house herd the commotion and had come to find out what was happening. He spotted Silver and raced over to her imitating Galleons movements, he climbed up Silver nestling himself under her chin. Silver giggled at Pickett and held him gentle placing him on her shoulder, she excitedly peered into the case listening for the different sounds of the creatures pulling Sirius closer to do the same. 

"Oh Silver come on jump in if your so eager." Newt giggled as the girl immediately started climbing into the case and jumped down, Newt followed her and finally Sirius copied. When Sirius hit the ground he was overwhelmed by the different types of creatures, he looked around for Silver but was only able to spot Newt caring for a Silvery white tiger. Sirius carefully approached Newt waiting for him to indicate for him to approach, Newt nodded to the boy and he walked up sticking his hand out to stroke the tiger.

Newt broke out into fits of laughter earning a confused look from Sirius, the tiger growled at Newt causing him to stop laughing. Sirius backed away from the tiger slowly, he turned to Newt, "Hey Newt, where did Silver go?" Newt smiled at the boy once again and pointed to the white tiger, Sirius' confused face still remained on his face as he looked to the animal. Suddenly, before his eyes the silvery white tiger transformed into a girl with similarly coloured hair, there before him stood Silver smiling shyly at him.

"You're an animagus?" Sirius exclaimed running up to the girl. "How could you keep this from me, think of all the pranks, think of everything we could get away with." Sirius grinned deviously at the Veela. "How come you get all the cool tricks?" Sirius sulked. The sadness on his face reminded her of her friends back at Hogwarts, suddenly an idea popped into her head, one better than any other she has ever had before. She shook with excitement running up the stairs to the second floor of the trunk towards the library, she scanned the shelves before pulling out a specific book, 'Illegal Animagus: How did they do it?' She ran back down to the two confused boys, she looked at Sirius excitedly.

"I know how we can help Remus. It must get really lonely being by himself every full moon and of course we can stay wit him or help him as humans because otherwise he'd attack us, so instead what if you all were able to transform like me? These are the only instructions on how to become Animagi in the world, so why don't you, James and Peter become them and we can help Remus. He is only harmful to humans." Sirius' eyes widened. After all the time Remus had to suffer alone they were now able to help him and keep him company.

"Yes, oh my Merlin yes. I know you're very skilled at potions but are you sure you can brew one as complicated as this?" Sirius began flipping through the book reading about the very advanced potion. Silver smiled her cheeky smile and turned to Newt who was tending to a baby niffler smiling at the pairs illegal plans, "Well, we would definitely be able to do it with the help of one of the best wizards of today." Newt looked up from the niffler and began walking towards the small girl.

He looked down towering over her, "Cub, I swear your trying to get me locked in Azkaban. You know how hard it was to transform you, I only did it so you could help with taking care of the creatures. It could be very dangerous doing it to three more people." Sirius stepped forward interjecting into the conversation, "Mr Scamander, please. I am aware of the danger but it is only needed to help a friend of ours, he's a werewolf and we want to help him but in our human form we can't. I am willing to take the risk."

The older man smiled down at the brave boy, it was clear to see why he was put into Gryffindor. Sirius looked back into Newts hazel eyes not breaking his stare, the older man finally looked away to Silver who was smiling hopefully, he returned his gaze to Sirius, "Call me Newt." With this single sentence both student knew he was going to help, a warm feeling filled them both. Newt knew he was never going to be able to stop them it was just easier for him to help them do it properly rather than argue against them. They were finally going to be able to help their friend who had suffered for so long. The pranks were just going to be an added benefit. 

A/n - I am aware that Newt would have been in his seventies when the Marauders in school but once again making him middle aged fit better with the storyline. Sorry if that bothers you but it just makes the story flow better. I was originally going to make him Silvers grandfather but decided against it.

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