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The thunder roared in the distance, apparently, the forecast was right, better days were yet to be seen as the weather worsened. Her hair blew creating a halo around her due to the squall, exhaling sharply, she looked at the darkening sky. Clouds hid the gleaming stars under their wraps, hiding them from the incoming storm. But who could or would hide her from the windstorm?

The oncoming storm was like no other they had seen for a while, trees danced to the rhythm of the wind, the leaves blew in hurricane. Sailing ships stilled in the water, the danger present before their eyes as the tides rose higher and higher. He cursed loudly as another thunder crackled around him. Squinting his eyes, he sighed in relief at seeing the glaring lights of the sea port in the distance. Many ships and yachts lined before the port, passengers getting off in a hurry to save themselves from the windstorm and its destruction.

Never in the past three years could he have thought, the land where his feet touched would turn out more than just a normal stop for him. Three years have gone by but their hearts still beat in harmony, aware of each other's presence and the fragrance.

Her head snapped towards the lights of the sea port in the distance, bared feet touched the cold grassed ground as she got up from her hammock. Her blank eyes looked in the distance, unflinching she took a step forwards, not daring to hope, for hope had died a long way back. Hope that she once had, that she once lived for, the one she cried for but that hope no longer existed.

That hope had been the life line for a naïve Aster, but she wasn't that. No, she was Aster Miller, a world-famous writer, a phoenix, albeit a colder one but still a phoenix risen up from its ashes. Cold, inside and out, she was a woman who no one dared cross now. But she was also a woman whose heart still burnt a little for him, just for him.

The man who crushed her, left her in pain, left her to live this life, without him. And living is what she did, living this life for others. For her parents, her sister and her friends. She would raise hell before letting anyone even touch one hair on their pretty little heads.

His eyes took everything before him, people scurrying past each other to get a roof over their heads before the weather hit them. He eyed the man standing on the higher platform as he guided everyone. "Excuse me?" he spoke as another thunder sounded and a gust of cold wind blew, leaving everyone shivering. "Is there a hotel or a guest house nearby?"

The man barely looked at him but shook his head. "No son, not close enough to have a roof on your head immediately and the guest houses are already brimmed with people." The aged man caught sight of his face and blinked looking at the tall, heavily bearded and tanned man with flowing hair. "I'd suggest you take shelter in one of the houses nearby." He stated "But after the mansion number 10." Zion looked at the man raising his brow "There are many people here and have already gone in search for rooms."

Thanking, Zion left towards the mansions pointed by the man. It was barely even eight in the night, looking around he saw the mansions were beautifully and artistically built. Nature present around, calmed him a little bit for he had no idea when he would be able to leave this place but by the looks of it, the weather wasn't going to be pleasant anytime soon.

As he neared the mansion numbered tenth, his feet came to a skidding halt. Breathing deeply, his heart pounded as his gaze went towards the other road where lights lit. He passed the mansion number eleven and towards what he could presume was number twelve. Feeling a pressure being built on his chest he blew out a breath to calm his nerves, confused Zion looked around, huge trees was all he could see.

There was not a reason to feel something like this, but he did and he felt deeply.

Following the trail for a while he came across a secluded place. "Mansion twelve..." he breathed. Looking around he found the main gate with a guard shielding himself in the shelter.

"May I help you?" the broad-shouldered guard asked looking curiously at the new comer.

Gripping his bag tightly, Zion stepped forwards. "I am looking for a place to stay the night." He looked at the sky as a slight drizzle started. "The weather is not very good to stay in the yacht."

The guard chuckled "Right. Let me just call and inform inside. Okay?" Zion nodded and looked around as the guard informed of a guest looking for a place to stay the night. "You are good to go."

Thanking the guard and the gods above, he stepped through the large iron gates and towards the mansion. Humming slightly to distract himself from his pounding heart, he took in the place before him. Surprised at the nature and beautifulness of the place Zion turned and looked at everything in his sight. "Such a beautiful place." He appreciated the unknown owner for his creativity.

Music sounded in his ears as he turned towards the glassed door, pressing on the bell he stepped inside from the opened door. "I am sorry for the inconvenience but I needed..." he started.

Several pair of eyes turned towards him. Silence, a deafening silence could be heard room the people in the room as music played in the background. Stunned and flabbergasted, everyone stared at Zion wide-eyed. Zion could hear his heart thrumming in his ears, choking on his words, his eyes went to the similar ones and stayed.

"My eldest..." his father, Maximus whispered.

"Baaba" Zion said as a knot formed in his throat.

Tears sprang in Maximus eyes as he shot up from the couch he was lounging on and gripped his first born tightly. "Zion..." his throaty voice sounded.

Hugging his father just as fiercely, the situation dawned upon him as his eyes met Aster's parents. Resentment sparkled in their eyes which once were filled with love, joy and respect for him. Hanging his face in shame his eyes widened. Watching his son closely, Maximus tightened the hold on his muscled arm. "No..." Zion whispered, knowing all too well that Aster shouldn't see him here.

Even if she was here – his subconscious gnawed at him. Bile rose in his mouth at the thought of Aster married to that man or to anyone else. Shaking his head like a wild animal, he stepped backwards shrugging his father's hold on himself.

Everyone watched stunned in silence as Zion picked the dropped bag and made his way towards the main gate, his father running after him in pain at watching his son leave again, this time in literal sense.

"Son, please..." Maximus called as Zion faster than him rounded a corner. Zion's heart pounded, Aster's parents' expressions, the anger clear as day in their eyes. What had he done!

The actions of his past, the anger that he had, blinded him and as he rounded a corner, his heart came into his mouth as he met the eyes of the only person he didn't wanted to see.

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