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Life goes on. No matter what you do or don't, it doesn't stop for anyone. Just when the day thought it was over and the world would end, the night came. The darkness came and with it came many fears but it stood still, it still lasted until the next morning when the sun rose in the sky. It still comes each day and with each day the soul within me turns towards the great abyss waiting for me, the great chasm where once gone there's no returning back.

Just like it, when you left, you took the shining rays from my life, because you were the sun. You were the sun of my life, the scorching, heated sun. Which when touched, I burnt. I burned brighter than any star.

But as a genius once said, the life goes on, with or without you. My life also goes on, it's not clear, if it's with or without me though.

Do you remember when you held my hand and promised your days to me? I hadn't thought then that the nights weren't mine. You left me as the night came. The darkness around me, in me, is a gift from you. A gift which I treasure dearly, a gift which will be with me till the end of my days, unlike you.

An Endless SphereOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz