Chapter 26 Sunday-Monday :

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(Emma's POV) It's been a couple of days since my dad proposed to Lilly ,and that Lilly and Holly moved in. School is tomorrow and it's gonna be weird now that Lilly is my step-mom and the nurse and my dad is the principal ugh try imaging that it's horrifying. Well at least I won't see them that much. Wow I'm tired but I wish Jax was here with me.

(Jax's POV) I was having a nightmare of Emma that two bad wizards were after her and one looked like Tony and the other looked like Mr.Redted. This dream was scaring me so stinking much that I woke up screaming "Emma!!!" And the next thing you know my dad is running into my room with a bat in his hand while my sisters are behind him with there phone getting ready to video something. "Jax what happened"my dad said "it was a nightmare"i said "Well you woke us up son"my dad said "sorry I just kindof couldn't take the dream anymore it scared me"i said "did you just say it sacred you"my dad and sisters said "yea why"i said "because you haven't been scared since...since.."my dad said "since what??"I said "since your mum passed"my dad said my face went from worried to really sad. "go back to bed you have school"my dad said and I cuddled my blanket and fell asleep.

*the next day*at school*
(Emma's POV) when i got to school i went to look for Jax. I couldnt find him anywhere. i asked Andi she said "I think he with Tony by the pool" "okay thanks"i said and ran off before she could say anything else. I went to the pool and saw Jax in the water and Tony against the wall. "Hello Emma"Tony said "Hi what Is Jax doing in the pool"I said "because I pushed him"Tony said "why??"i asked "because he dating you, and I've liked you since your first day here"Tony said "that doesn't mean you have the right to hurt him"i said real mad "Emma please don't get your self into danger, I love you"Jax said "I won't i love you too"i said. Tony was smirking evil, and all the sudden out of nowhere came black cloud dust. "Emma watch out"Jax yelled, I looked close at the dust it was magic there someone's powers but who's. "well well if it isn't the chosen one confused"a voice said I looked around and didn't see any one but a masked person popped out of nowhere in my face it freaked me out. "Who are you and what do you want with me"I said "oh little chosen one don't be affraid of the arts"the masked person said "Emma!!"Jax yelled "Jax!!!"I yelled back a little worried. And then suddenly I heard Jax's vocie in my thoughts he said "don't worry I just casted spell so they won't know anything we plan" "okay"I said we talked in my head for a couple minutes and got an idea. I casted a spell to see if Tony was under one but he's not, but I did see that black magic dust cloud coming out from his hand. "TONY YOUR A WIZARD!!!!"I said "yes my little Emma, now you know one of my secerts"Tony said "there's more"I said worried a bit. I made Jax get out of the pool and casted a spell on him to be dry, so Tony won't find out he is a wizard or there will be danger for us both and only one could win this terriable battle that will be very bad. I was talking to Jax in my head and said "I'm gonna cast a spell on the masked person to see who he is" he said "okay". I casted the spell and it worked the person behind the mask is......

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