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(An hour ago back at the house)

Yoongi was still straddled to Jimin on the couch, both of them with their guns pointed at one another. They were having an intense staring contest; seeing who gets to get off the other when one wins..

Jimin: "are you really gonna stay here until i blink?"

Yoongi: "are you gonna keep talking or just play this dangerous game you keep playing??"

Jimin: "(soft, deep voice) your're the only one to blame for this. I wouldnt be playing this dangerous game if you just let go of my precious chain...(whispers) you dumb fuck"

Yoongi tugs on it once more, but this time he uses his free hand to pull on it, bringing the younger to come closer to him if he didnt want it to snap. Yoongi put his gun to Jimin's neck right where you could see his vein pulsating, Jimin did the same with his gun. They were so close to each other an Yoongi just sat there on top of Jimin for that hour Jungkook an RM had left. Jimin felt his eyes grow weary, tears about to fill them up but..not with sad tears. Only angry tears, if anything happened to his prized possession his handcuff necklace...

Yoongi felt Jimin squirming around underneath him...But Jimin wasn't gonna give in, not like how Yoongi thought he was.

Yoongi: "Just give up already an say your sorry to Jin-hyung an to me"...

Jimin wasn't quite finished yet. Yoongi had no idea who he was messing with, if everyone claimed he was a so call 'whore', then thats what he's gonna give 'em...i think Yoongi forgot how much of a sweet talker Jimin truly is; he can make people fuck him if he really wanted to. All it took was to trigger someone, an that someone was gonna be...Yoongi

Jimin: "(scoffs) I'll say sorry to Jinnie-Hyung; but not to you Sugarrr"

Yoongi's eyes grew more darker then they ever been before, which was the exact reaction Jimin was hoping for.

Yoongi: "(deeper voice) the fuck you just say little bitch"

Jimin: "if im your 'bitch' then your my FUCKIN DOG (mockingly laughs)"

Yoongi was getting fed up with the younger's mind games. He felt his blood boiling so much, he wanted to rip Jimin's necklace in a blink of an eye. Yoongi cocked his gun back an so did Jimin.

Yoongi: "what do you think your're trying to accomplish?? Pissing me off??! Congrats you just pissed me the fuck off! An now your're gonna get what you truly deserve"

(Yoongi's voice goes dark)

Jimin gasped because he knew the older was about to do something, he will regret...

As they were basically already touching faces, all Jimin had to do was smash his lips against the other' thats what he did. Jimin kissed Yoongi. Jimin grabbed the older's jacket; kissing him so deeply an rough that it was making Yoongi hard, an soon he dropped his grip on both his gun an Jimin's precious necklace. Both Jimin an Yoongi moaned an groaned in between kissing; then Jimin broke the kiss rather abruptly, finally getting free an his necklace was safe an sound.

Yoongi scoffed an realized that Jimin was playing a Dangerous game...he was playing with his emotions..

Yoongi: "oh sweet Park Jimin your're gonna pay for this."

Jimin: "haha we will see about that now won't we Min Suga"

(Inside Yoongi's head: "mark my fuckin word Park Jimin. You made me hard; now you'll fix that, one way or another. You wanna fuck with me?? I'll just fuck with you or maybe I'll just...Fuck You)...

(RM arrives back to the house)...

<Jungkook's Interview>

I was curious to know who was behind the rolling chair.

Mr. Kim: "Do you like my son's office?"

Huh? Not who i was expecting...

"Oh..yes it remind's me of how i wished my room was"...

I lied...hehe.

Mr. Kim turns around in his chair an starts the interview right away.

Mr. Kim: "so lets cut to the chase. I'm going away for a long while an my son is the rightful owner of Kim Corp, so he'll be taking over once im done here. As in with this interview 'done here' ok?"

I nod my head in agreement showing the Big soon to be ex-Boss my undivided attention.

Mr. Kim: "i can tell your a good kid. You may get along with my son or you might not; things happen you know. But i need to choose the right person for this job because for some reason they love to take advantage of his money an kindness..."

Money i can understand but Kindness my ass lets see what other bullshit he's trying to pull off on me...

Mr. Kim: "so you will be his Intern/Pers. Assist/bodyguard. Attend to his every need. Be there for him whenever he needs you. An most importantly honesty; just be honest an you'll get along fine with him. (Sighs) any questions?"

"No sir (bows), i won't let you down (bows)"

Mr. Kim: "its not me you won't let down, but thank you for your time i must be going now, Goodbye Jungkook."

"Goodbye Mr. Kim, shall i walk out with you?"...

(Mr. Kim shakes his head)

Mr. Kim: "my son will be with you shortly"


i wait anxiously for my "real boss" to enter, then i hear a sort of static in my right ear.

"(Whispering) RM?"

(More static/then cuts off abruptly)

Hmm maybe lost signal...

I go into my bag an grab a snack to munch on. Then i hear a deep kind of voice say 'thanks Kai!' an enters the office i was in.

???: "Hi, you must be Jungkook right?"

I didnt dare turn around until i knew for sure that this person was the one that is expected to be my 'real boss'...but what i feared was right...It was my boss...

End of part 5
To be continued

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