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"I know i was like "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE??!!" an he just laughed an his voice went deeper, he threaten me with you guys saying if i didnt help him he wasnt gonna let you go an i said i dont believe him an i wasnt gonna help him i refused to. Then he showed me a-all of your lifeless bodies piled on top of each other blood everywhere an i couldnt look away because my body was frozen in place an i couldnt move; he wanted me to think about it an then he left...shortly after that everything started to disapear, an soon i started to disapear myself it was terrible. But then i was in some other existance it was still black, i just started screaming for someone to help me; i thought he took you all away from me an then after that i woke up in the here we are now."

I was glad i got that off my chest, i still couldnt believe how real that nightmare was. It was so terrifiying. All this is telling me is...i need to watch my back, keep a close eye on them an myself...i gonna do this mission if its the last thing i do...

J-Hope: "umm...woww that sounded intense kookie"

Jimin: "yea really"

RM: "look Jungkook i think im gonna cancel the-"

"NO! I mean dont please dont cancel the mission ok, i can do it ill be fine"

Yoongi: "i dont think its a good idea for you to be doing it, you just went through hell an we dont need you going through it again; like for real this time"

"Yoongi-hyung i can do it, i dont care if i went through it or not. Im not abandoning my mission"

Jimin: "but-"


J-Hope: "come on-"

"Nuh uh"

Yoongi: "Kookie"


RM: "Jungkook"

"No, no, no, an no, im doing it whether you like it or not"

RM: "(sighs) ok"

"Ok?? Your're saying ok like your agreeing with me"

RM: "because i am."

(Everyone): "WHATT??!!"

RM is actually agreeing with me on something?! Like he's not gonna stop me or nothing, which is what i wanted but i didnt expect him to agree with me...

RM: "thats right, we cant change his mind an he knows its dangerous. No matter what; he's not going to let up, (sighs) so im not gonna stop him an neither of you. Were gonna go with the plan we had before. So everyone rest up because after today... Its day 1 of the 7 weeks mission. Do you remember your position Jungkook?"

"Im the new intern"

RM: "ok good, alright guys go get some rest"

J-Hope: "its only 7 we have plenty of time to-"

Yoongi: "you don't have to tell me twice, GOODNIGHT"

J-Hope: "yoongi you always want to sleep!"

We all went upstairs, an went our separate ways to our rooms...

"Goodnight guys"

(Everyone): "goodnight kookie"

Undercover Taekook ff 21+Where stories live. Discover now