Chapter Sixty-Eight - Enemies of Justice

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Chapter Sixty-Eight – Enemies of Justice

Sinley and Demeka followed the march of the kingdom's inhabitants, listening to their declarations of anger rise above the howling wind. The streets were flooded with hundreds of waving banners and letting their voices be heard. Those who didn't take part in the protests watched from their homes, unable to tear their eyes away. Glancing up, the innkeepers could see the faces at the windows changed as they continued deeper into the kingdom's heart. Disdain and doubt morphed into hope with every new protestor that joined the march.

They broke into a jog so that they could join Katelyn at the front of the march.

''I can't believe how grand this has become,'' Demeka said.

Katelyn smiled while her eyes remained locked on the path ahead. ''The people have been angry for a long time. This ordeal has pushed them over the edge.''

A loud snort came from Griff on Katelyn's left. ''Give us some credit. We encouraged this.''

Beside her, Griff and Rene conveyed very different energies with their body language. Rene strolled backwards so that he could instruct the small group of people behind him to chant in tune. With a thick cowl wrapped around his head, it took Sinley and Demeka a moment to recognise Griff.

They continued down the street before coming upon a line of White Knights on horseback stretched across the road. With no way around, the crowd was forced to halt. As Demeka grasped Sinley's hand, they watched several protestors hurl insults at the guards blocking their path towards the castle. There was no way for them to break free and find another path.

Griff clutched his cowl tighter around his face and turned to walk away, whistling nonchalantly. Rene spotted him before he could leave. ''Where are you going?''

''I came here to wave signs. I'm not looking for a confrontation.''

''This is what we've been fighting for. Can't you hear the people sing?''

''Yes, and I don't want to be affiliated with that in case things turn grim.''

Katelyn fixed her gaze on the wall as it slowly parted. She heard the heavy clopping of a Mamethshire before she could recognise the rider. Garbed in pure white with encrusted jewels that glinted under the sun, Bricen struck an imposing figure for many. He beckoned his large steed forward, looking down at the crowd before him.

''We didn't come this far to fall in line,'' Katelyn said.

Raising his hand high and waiting for all eyes to focus on him, Bricen forced a smile. ''People, return to your homes. The day is young and I'm sure there's work to be done.''

More heckling followed. The innkeepers could feel the crowd becoming more riled up as Bricen tried to talk down to them.

His smile slowly faded. ''As your acting ruler, I command that you-,'' before he could finish, a tomato that had been thrown struck him in the face, causing him to reel back and almost fall off his horse.

''We want Kardas!'' Someone shouted. Cheers and more calls for Kardas erupted from the crowd.

As Bricen backed away, he was protected from more projectiles by the White Knights forming a line and raising their shields. He rubbed his stained face and turned to one of his guards with a scowl. ''Bring Kardas here. Now!''

The loudest cheer of the day came from the protestors once they saw the White Knight that Bricen spoke with hurry back to the castle.

Katelyn remained rooted at the front, preventing anyone from breaking off and challenging the White Knights. She looked to Demeka and Sinley. ''Once Kardas is here, you can find another way to get past and search for the king.''

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