Chapter 21: Escape

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Ela wasn't sure what she was expecting to find at the top of the elevator shaft, neither was her sister. The car had stopped, but it wasn't a completely modern scientific facility. Clean and sterile like the research wing of a big hospital, the walls, floor and ceiling were white, and while half of this place looked like a laboratory that was decades ahead of anything else on the island, the rest of it looked like a fancy studio apartment.

Zofia then suddenly coughed, covering her mouth as she coughed. Ela looked at Zofia worried, asking if her sister was okay, Zofia then stopped coughing as she moved her hand away to show blood was on her hands. The parasite was taking over.

Ela: Zo!

Zofia tried to speak but all that came out were raspy sounds, her body was screaming in pain as she fell to the ground, Ela was helping her try to stand up. Zofia fell onto her side hunching up.  she was going into brief convulsions.

Ela: Zo!


Ela: Just hang on Zo!

Zofia could feel her body being lifted up, and dragged along. Her vision was slowly going red, she heard a hissing noise before she fell again, Ela wasn't a large person, she was able to keep her standing up though, and after passing through another door, Zofia's vision was blurring after exiting the hallway from the elevator shaft, they entered a room that was very cold unlike the weather outside.

The elder Bosak breath was visible, and now feeling the cold temperatures felt painful, as if the air was attacking her....but she could feel more control being given back to her body. So the parasite hates cold temperatures. Ela could feel the pain in her body too, her parasite was reacting to the cold too. 

The lab they stood in, there were rows of large testing and monitoring equipment sitting along the cold white walls.  A lot of equipment in the large room was damaged, most of it appearing to have been caused by gunfire, given the bullet holes on the walls and in some of the machines.  Zofia could feel her body being put on something very soft. She could feel her arms being strapped tight.


Zofia could barely hear Ela talking, her consciousness slipping into the parasite.








Just as everything was fading away forever this time, there was a sliding flash of light as all of her feelings and sensations came flying back as it was like she was sitting on an electric chair getting zapped. Her vision and hearing coming back into focus, Zofia could hear a cackling sound while seeing that there small lighting bolts being generated by antennas that were just above her...and she could feel every bit of it as they zapped their way into her body. She screamed.

Ela watched her sister being zapped away from these antennas, she looked back at the computer screen and saw the parasite reacting to the zapping, she watched it slowly disappeared into nothing. The screaming stopped as Ela looked at her sister was not moving at all. She wasn't even breathing.

Ela: Zo?! *grabs her sisters shoulders* Zo! Come on! Wake up! Damn it Zofia wake up!!!

A few seconds passed before a coughing sound came from Zofia, she coughed a bit before she slowly rose up. Ela hugged her tightly. Zofia could feel her muscles in her body been so constricted that she could barely move. Ela helped her sister stand up, letting her put her weight on her.

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