Chapter 19 : Reunion

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If there was none watching the small island from above, they would seen a small fishing boat moving rapidly toward it from the south, probably much faster than anyone would have seen before. The large motor was screaming, being pushed to its absolute limit. Zofia was standing at the helm, and this time of year the sea was quite rough, it's large waves tossing the small craft upward so hard at times it would leave the water completely for a second or two.

Even though the controls of the boat were enclosed on all sides except for the back, the were wind still managed to find its way in, making Zofia shiver. Zofia had been on this boat for half an hour or there abouts, her injuries were still hurting her after the adrenaline had worn off. She was glad to have killed that idiot Dimitri. He was throwing her all over the castle and making her died but nothing stood in her way, not until she finds Ela.

She put a hand to her chest, she remembered she has a parasite in her. She could feel it tingling with her nerves. It was scary. She couldn't go back to her daughter if she has this parasite in her body. She would have to find a way to get rid of it, or do the worst. The lifting of the boat got the woman to wake as she saw a dock, she forced the boat to slow down as she neared the shore.

She could see the dock, it had small vessels, that were old but still intact, so she brought the boat alongside before she cut the engine off. Now running free, the elder Bosak quickly went to the back where the mooring rope was coiled, and then securely trying ti to the dock in a cleat hitch so that her escape veichle would not float away. She shivered.

Zofia: Dear god it's cold here.

Zofia stepped of the boat, looking around the small port, but she found nothing but a partially rotted dock and stones covered in algae. Beyond the dock there was a traveled trail, probably used for a method of transport that moved supplies ack and forth from incoming ships, and at the end of the trail was a gate that was so rusted but still standing up.Zofia took in a deep breath and she walked forward. In hope in finding Ela.












The elder Bosak had been walking for some time now, going up hills and going down them. She was walking through a fishing village, she saw some corpses of what looked to be infected people. Zofia was worried, if one of these monsters had killed Ela or she could be one of these infected monsters.

Zofia had walked by a tavern called 'The Wossek', she had a look around seeing all the damage around the tavern. She saw blood on the walls, she looked around more of the village, finding two shotgun shells that had been fired, buried into the dirt. She kept walking out through the village and out into the dense forest. She then could see somebody in the distance, it looked to be a person sitting on the side of the tree, with their face down at the ground.

Zofia: Ela!?

Zofia ran up to the body, and kneeled down, it wasn't her. It was a man who looked to be dead for more than a few days. She saw a faded ID badge, she took it into her hand saw it was a man she knew from Titan, a loyal friend to Lukas. She took in a breath that it wasn't Ela, but still could shake off the fear that she could be dead, she looked at the ground.....until a sound hit her ears. She looked around to find the source of the noise, the sound wasn't around, it was coming from....the sky?

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