Chapter 7: The missing Bosak

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Zofia was sitting daydreaming while on the chopper. She was returning from her mission after she couldn't go to her husbands party, she recalled her talk with Ela after she had with her sister agreeing to go just this one last time. She couldn't remember the last time her sister had agreed to something like that.

Her memory flashed when she remembered when they were kids. Her been the better sister and Ela didn't always like the special treatment she was getting, unlike her she didn't seemed to care about her fathers reputation as GROM commander. She looked at her father's pocket watch she kept with her at all times, she remembered how her father trained her ruthlessly. It was a gruesome experience but it was to show her the meanings of survival in the harshest of places.

The chopper had landed back in Hereford as Zofia and the others hopped off the chopper as the elder Bosak went to her locker putting her equipment away, as well as her gear. She walked out of the locker room as she walked down to her dorm and walked back in. She untied her hair and she went to her shower taking off her clothes and turned on the shower after a busy mission.

After about twenty minutes of being in the shower and drying off and getting new clothes on Zofia went to her laptop that had a face cam on it and she called her close friend, Anita.

Anita: Hey, Zo.

Zofia: Hello, Anita. It's good to see you.

Anita: It's nice to see you too.

In Anitas camera, a face of a child came up of a little girl.

Julia: Mommy!

Zofia: Hi Sweetheart. How's my little child?

Julia: It's amazing. Anita and I are making cookies!

Zofia: That's lovely honey. 

Anita: She's been making a mess of the cooking. We're adding some Chocolate and sprinkles on the cookies.

Zofia: Sprinkles? On cookies?

Julia: It's rainbow cookies mommy!

Zofia: Oh! Rainbow Cookies. Well save some for me, will you?

Julia: No, there belong to me and Antia.

Zofia: No, they're mine.

 Julia laughed.

Anita: So, where's your sister?

Zofia: Oh, Ela's in Bialystok she went to my husbands party.

Anita: Why?

Zofia: I couldn't go so I asked Ela, I amazed went she said she'd go.

Anita: That's new. I though she didn't care about you anymore.

Zofia: So did I.

Julia: When are you coming home, Mommy?

Zofia wanted to say soon, but she couldn' fact she didn't even know when she was going to get a break.

Zofia: Soon honey, soon. I love you.

Julia: I love you too mommy.

Anita: Bye Zofia.

Zofia: Bye Anita and thank you for taking care of my daughter.

Anita: Any time. Bye.

Zofia: Bye.

Zofia ended the call and she got up and heading to the canteen feeling a bit peckish. She walked in seeing some of the other operators were enjoying there meals, Zofia decided to get herself some salad and a bottle of water. She sat down a nearby table as she silently ate away. In the mists of it Doc had sat down opposite to Zofia.

Doc: Bonjour, Zofia.

Zofia: Gustave.

Doc: How did the mission go? 

Zofia: It was a success. We were working behind some cults who were planning an attack on a hospital in Barcelona. We had to work undercover as nurses and doctors to stop them. 

Doc: No casualties?

Zofia: None.

Doc: Why am I not surprised, from a person like you. You never let anyone die on your watch.

Zofia: No I don't.

Doc: So any luck with getting through to your sister?

Zofia: No nothing much. However when my husband asked me to join a party, celebrating when Atlas took over Titan, but I couldn't go. Not with a mission where bio-terrorism was at risk.

Doc: I agree.

Zofia: Instead, I asked Ela could she go instead of me, just fill out my spot. I thought she would say no, but she decided to go. She left on Friday morning and it's now Saturday. Either she's coming home late tonight or she's coming back on Sunday morning.

Doc: Well that's sounds all good. By the way did any of those people from Aegis show up?

Zofia: Oh them, some of them did. I don't know why though, because from what I heard they only worked in America. Why are they in Europe? But they seem to be nice people.

Doc: Six has been talking to the owner of Aegis who is Colin Brooks, well Six has been talking to him about doing an alliance of some sort. Basically we deal with the terrorists and they get the bio-weapon in their hands.

Zofia: That doesn't sound good to me. I mean all they would need is a PMC in their group. Why couldn't they do that? Or with they work with the Americans why not get someone from the Secret Service, like Warden for example.

Doc: Not a bad idea either.

Doc stopped as he looked up at the T.V. that was showing a building that had glass windows destroyed and a T.V. Presenter outside the building.

T.V. Presenter: We are here at the Titan Coronation building in Bialystok in Poland where last night a series of gunshots and explosions have been heard. It had rumoured to believe that the cult group Cherti Slugi has been involved in the attack, however it is unclear if they did and why. This attack could be related form the church attack back in Frankfurt a few days ago. It is unclear if anyone has survived or not, as the CCTV footage has not been recovered yet. But will find out soon after these messages.

The T.V. showed the other political news, as Doc went back to eating his food.

Doc: Tch, Stupid cult groups, and I swear people get more a crazier as the world grows older. What do you think Zofia?

Zofia was silent after seeing the news. Her eyes were widened in shock. She knew that building, and she knew who was there on Friday night.

Zofia: Lukas! Ela!
















And that's the end of a short chapter seven.  I hope you enjoyed. Vote and comment down below and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

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