Chapter 2: The Request

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Ela was walking back to her room after finishing her meal. She had hummed along to one of her favourite tunes of music she listens too. After finishing her mission, she came back well but unharmed. She had gotten her meal along with her. 

She opened the door and walked into her room and took off her clothes and got turned on her shower and let the water heat up. She looked at her self in the mirror and looked ta her green hair flicking it. She was thinking of getting a dye for her hair. But her green to her was a sign of the freedom she had when she was younger. She didn't want to lose her green hair though. Perhaps she could do something else to keep it. She hopped in the shower letting the hot water drown her body, using any dirt or grim she had while on that mission earlier this morning.

After fifteen minutes in her shower, Ela stepped out and wrapped a towel around her body. She used another towel to dry her hair off as she walked out of the bathroom. And she was about to take out some clothes. Until the door suddenly opened, to see it was Zofia her sister who barged in the door when Ela was about to take off the towel.

Ela: Co do cholery jest z tobą nie tak !? Don't you ever hear the term knock on the door!?

Zofia: I.....

Ela: Wait outside will you! And let me get dressed!

Zofia said nothing as she went outside the door and closed the door behind her. Ela grunted and cursed in her own language. She eventually got into some training shorts and a tank top. She then went over to her door, which she didn't want to do. She opened the door and to see Zofia crossing her arms waiting for her sister to get dressed.

Ela: What do you want?

Zofia: I want to talk with you. In private.

Ela: If it's about you lecturing me of staying in line, you can forget it.

Zofia: No. It's not that. Look can I come in?

Ela deeply sighed. She didn't want to deal with this at all. Zofia has been nothing but a big pain in the ass. She always wanted to escape for her lecturing about her. Ela stepped aside letting her sister coming into her room. Ela closed the door behind her. She locker the door behind her as she turned around to face her sister. Ela took her phone and she clicked her timer on her phone and she set the timer for four minutes. She quickly showed the timer to her sister.

Ela: You've got four minutes, once those four minutes are up. You're out of my room.

Zofia: Fine.

Ela clicked 'Start' put the phone aside and the timer started counting down. Zofia took in a deep breath as she looked at Ela who had her arms crossed.

Zofia: Ela....I know things between us are not going as I usually had thought it would be.

Ela said nothing as she listened.

Zofia: I need you to do something for me.

Ela's right brow went up.

Ela: Now why would I help you? You could have asked anyone else with this problem you have. 

Zofia: It's family business.

Ela: I thought I told you family doesn't matter to me!

Zofia: Look just hear me out.

Ela was about to say something but she decided to listen.

Zofia: You obviously know about my husband Lukas.

Ela's eyes narrowed. She met Lukas a few times, he was a good guy to Zofia, but to her she could help get this uncanny feeling from him. To her he was mysterious. He looked like a good husband.

Ela: What about him?

Zofia: I never told you this but he works at 'Titan'. He works there as a Chief security officer.

Ela: So?

Zofia: You heard about Atlas taking over Titan. Well, there holding a party in celebration of the take over, and he want's me to come over to it.

Ela: So go.

Zofia: That's the thing. I can't.

Ela: Good for you.

Zofia: Ela! This is serious!

Ela glanced at her phone.

Ela: Three minutes have passed. One more to go.

Zofia: Look. I can't go because Six needs me for an important mission that I can't miss.

Ela: And?

Zofia: I want you to go and take my place.

Ela was completely off guard from what her sister was saying to her.

Ela: You want me to go to some party?

Zofia: Yes. Just for a day and then you can come back here.

Ela: Pah! In your dreams. I don't do parties. Go ask soomebody else to do it.

Zofia: Ela please. Just this once do it for me. For Father.

Ela: No.

Zofia: El-


The two sisters looked at the phone which was vibrating as the timer had finished. Ela was glad on the inside. Ela looked at her sister.

Ela: Your four minutes are up. Now get out.

Zoifa: Ela look can you-

Ela: Get out. Now.

Zofia was silent as she dropped her head as she walked by Ela and opened the door and was about to walk out until she stopped, putting her hand on the door frame. She looked back at Ela who had her back turned to her.

Zofia: At least think about it. Could you do this for Father just one last time. For family.

Ela: Piss off Zo.

Zofia sighed as she closed the door behind her. Ela looked at the grey wall in-feront of her as Zofia's words ringed through her head.

Zofia: Could you do it one last time? For family?

Ela looked at her photo of her Grandfather and her when she was a kid.

Ela: Am I really that bad Grandpa?













And that's Chapter Two. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to comment down below what you think and I'll see you in the next chapter.

Also, I know in Zofia's bio she has a two year old daughter, but I'm making her six years old in this story.

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