Chapter 15: The Blind Warden

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Zoifa: Such a lovely day.

Zofia looked up at the clear blue sky, setting down her novel before leaning back onto a grey vinal lounger that was next to a swimming pool. The palm treees that lined the rear courtyard of a huge Manor House she and Ela put together to live in together. She, Ela and Julia were living as she watched her daughter play with Ela in the pool. There was enough light for her to work on a tan, although the tanning was soon forgotten as Ela came up out of the pool and she sat down basking in the sun, Ela was wearing a two-piece bikini.

Zofia: I'm so glad your safe now Ela. I'm so sorry for sending you to the party. I'm so happy I divorced Lukas.

Ela: You made the right choice Zo. I'm so glad we got a few months break from Harry to travel the world.

Zofia smiled, she then saw Ela was feeling down for something reason.

Zofia: Is something wrong sister?

Ela: It's...well....I signed up for a art course in Russia a few days ago to do some art. I hope you can join me soon.

Zofia: I will Ela. I will find you and we'll never be separated again.












Zofia's eyes snapped open, her body was twitching from the shock of being cold she could see her own breath. Ela and Julia, the pool outside the Manor House was gone, replaced with a stoney pavement and with rusty old bars, were Zofia a jail cell. Her head hurled and her whole body was sore, she put her hand to her forehead to stop an aching headache

???: Ona ne spit.

Zofia heard voices, it was a tongue she didn't understand. She looked around to see she was in a prison cell. Illuminated by a single bulb fixture just outside what looked to be a long corridor which consisted of two holding cells that ran on either side of the wide stone corridor, ending at a heavy metal door on each end. Each of these cells held a person inside them. They looked to be a few women and men among them.

???:'re awake.

Zofia looked to hear this voice, it sent chills down her spine of how cold the voice was. She looked at the cell doors to see a tall man wearing a very fancy pair of clothes, he was wearing some expensive looking Russian general uniform that looked to be from World war two, ut instead of having the hammer and sickle or the starts on the uniform, it was replaced with the Cherti Slugi cult insignia.

Zofia: W-Who are you?

The man in the Soviet uniform laughed, it was an evil laugh form one of those cartoons Julia would watch.

???: Where are my manners? Menya zovut Dimitri Takarov, the fifth in the Takarov bloodline of this glorious family, I own this huge landscape as well as all who dwell upon them....and your host for the remaining time before your....conversion into the Takarov family is complete.

Zofia: Dimitri.....don't you mean Sergei?

Dimitri: Ah, yes....that failure I call a brother.

Zofia was surprised by this. Sergei had a brother? There was no records or anything of him having any siblings of the sort, that what was read on the newspaper article she had found on Sergei. Dimitri chatted onwards about the history of him and his brother. Dimitri is the fifth brother in line of the family as he said earlier, Sergei was the six in the family, but due to ill health conditions, Sergei had committed suicide.  He went on to say his brother was a fragile weak minded fool, who didn't understand the meaning of power. 

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