18 ☽ Two vs one

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Chapter 18

"Dear step-mom, this is Catherine. Catherine, step-mom."

I flash her a bright smile. She extends her hand, and I happily shake it. One thing is for sure, she's beautiful, with a capital B. She's standing tall, long wavy dark hair that cascades to her lower back, and dark chocolate eyes that fit perfectly with her caramel complexion. Her hourglass figure is covered with a black pencil skirt, a pastel pink blouse and killer Louboutins.

I want to be like her when I grow up.

"Pleasure to meet you, ma'am," I say, my voice coming out tight.

Her perfectly tweezed eyebrows knit together, giving her a confused look. Her eyes quickly scan my body, followed by my hand being moved right under her nose. She takes a sniff of my scent, leaving me at a loss of words. Her eyes pop out, looking back at me. "You're a werecat."

I pull my hand back. A little too forceful for my liking, but it's justified.

What the actual fuck?

"How did you know just by smelling me?" I ask, internally freaking out. It's the kind of freaking out where I'm screaming, and Panthera is begging me to shut the hell up.

She laughs, and I'm surprised at how husky it sounds. "One of my proudest abilities. My nose can track down any species. Even if they hide it," she says, throwing me a wink.

Heat comes up to my face. I look down, shuffling from one foot to the other as my arms fold themselves on my chest. A tender sweet-scented hand lifts my chin, and my eyes stare at the woman's face. "Honey, no need to be shy about it. I'm pretty sure every werecat is in hiding for obvious reasons. Now, would you mind joining us for dinner?" she asks, a small smile lingering on her lips.

"We already ate, actually," Theo chimes in, putting his hands in the front of the sweats' pockets.

She raises a dark eyebrow at him. "Really? Those full-cut pizzas tell another story."

I glance up at Theo, catching his face shift from rosy to beet red. "We got distracted by homework, but that's our dinner," he says, almost stuttering.

His step-mom, which I still need to figure out her name, shakes her head and takes off her black heels, holding them in one hand. "I don't even want to try and figure out the real reason behind it. Make yourself at home, Catherine," she says, heading upstairs without another glance.

"Your step-mom seems nice," I say, sitting on his leather coffee-colored couch. His living room is a bit bigger than his kitchen.

He has different types of paintings hanging all around the walls, a mounted Tv a few inches away, and right under it, a dark wooden coffee table filled with books, and candles. There's a round beige silky carpet that covers the floor, and I let my bare feet feel it in between each toe.

He sighs, mirroring me. "I'm pretty sure it's because you're also a werecat."

"Speaking of werecats. It's been a while since our last run," I say, my eyes gleaming with anticipation. It's been a long time since I last shifted.

Theo laughs. "I would love to do that, but I don't think I can handle-"

I put a hand up. "Your eyes are glowing, and your tail just came out. I'm pretty sure you can handle it even with the fever you probably passed me with all that kissing we did." I stare into his now glowing green eyes.

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