17 ☽ Mind tricks

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Chapter 17

"Catherine. Stop it," Blake commands. I'm pretty sure he just used his Alpha tone on me from how deep and cold his tone was.

My body tensed up for it. Even as a werecat, it's impressive how much power another species - especially an Alpha - can have on me. Nevertheless, I shake it off and fasten my walk.

"I'm unaffected by your Alpha power, so you should probably try another tactic," I say.

My body is already begging for more oxygen. It feels as if I'm running a marathon, but I'm just fast-walking. Hell, I'm starting to sweat.

"Well, as you wish, then."

Just like that, Blake lifts my body from the floor. A tiny scream escapes my lips as he carries me around on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. My cheeks heat up, his arm tightly holding me. My beating heart is loud in my ears as more blood rushes on my face. He's focusing on me again. A small smile lingers on my lips while I uselessly tell him to put me down, which of course, he ignores.

Wait a minute.

I freeze, and the smile drops in a heartbeat. My mind is processing what I just realized, and an unsettling feeling crashes in the pit of my stomach. For the past week, I was angry because Blake's focus was all over Margot.

The way he went from treating me like I was his closest friend to a mere acquaintance pissed me off more than I thought. I watch his black sneakers tap against the white floor, leaving that annoying sneaker sound echo through the empty hallways.

The fact that my mood is back to normal by just being in this position with him leaves me with a frown on my face. What's wrong with me? Why is he affecting me so much? Why don't I like the fact that he's with Margot? She's his girlfriend after all.

I should be happy for him. I should support him, but I'm doing the opposite of what a friend should do. I'm acting selfish, and I would be lying if I said that I'm not envious of her, because I am. I'm jealous of Margot having Blake all for herself, and I don't know why.

I have Theo by my side, which I like very much, so I don't think I have feelings for Blake... Right?

Without realizing it, my feet touch the floor again. I blink, looking around the confined space filled with toilet papers, brooms, mops, and plastic bottles for every type of cleaning. It's the janitor's closet. Blake's average height is right in front of the door, which leaves me with no escape.

"What are we doing here?" I quietly ask. My green eyes lower to the floor, admiring my tight blue jeans paired up with my black leather boots. My arms fold themselves over my chest as I feel my body warm up.

"Communicating. Something that you clearly lack, so talk to me. What has been on your mind? You've been weird for the past week now," he asks. His soft hand grabs my chin, forcing me to look into his sapphire eyes, who are now frowning at me.

Damn him.

I push his hand away from my face, but don't dart my eyes anywhere, holding his concerned gaze. "You've changed, alright? There's your reason."

Blake's eyebrows move upwards. "What? When have I changed?"

"Now! Ever since you got with Margot, you're different!" I confess, blinking back tears that are leaving me even more confused.

There. I said it.

I glare up at him, seeing his eyes briefly close, and his hand covering his mouth. His shoulders shake as if he's holding back a laugh.

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