Puzzle Box and Map

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(1923) Oakley's POV

I've decided to pay my cousins a visit in Cairo. My name is Oakley Sheba and I am a traveling dancer. I go from village to village dancing. I am twenty one. My little cousin Evelyn Carnahan is twenty and works at the Cairo museum as a librarian. My older cousin Jonathan Carnahan is twenty-two was an Egyptologist. But he's never found anything and is quite the joker. He can always make Evie and I smile, even when we're down.

Anyway let me tell you a little more about myself. My father was their mother's brother. He marry my mother who was about of one of the twelve tribes of the Medjai. She died giving birth to me, so my father raised me away from the tribe. But I love to travel and bring joy to others. My father died when I was eighteen, so I left Cairo to explore Egypt. Only writing to my cousins once a month, to let them know I'm ok.

Since I'm passing through Cairo. I've decided to visit them and stay a week. Before continuing on to my next stop. So here I am at the museum. "Excuse me, I am looking for Evelyn Carnahan" I tell a man.

"Who are you?" he asks me.

"Oakley Sheba, her cousin" I tell him.

"Dr Terence Bey, I am the curator here" he says and we shake hands. "Come with me, she is organizing the library" he tells me smiling. I smile and follow him as we reached the last hall way, we hear a large crashing sound. We run in to see all the shelves knocked over and books everywhere. My cousin in the middle of it, unharmed.

"Opps" she says to herself not noticing us.

"Look at this! Sons of the Messiah! Give me frogs, flies, locusts, anything but this! Compared to you, the other plagues were a joy!" Bey exclaims. I roll my eyes at him.

Evelyn quickly gets up and starts gathering books. "I'm sorry, it was an accident" she tells him.

"When Ramesses destroyed Syria, it was an accident. You are a catastrophe! Why do I put up with you?" Bey asks. Evelyn turns to him, as I try to contain myself. No one, speaks to my little cousin that way.

"You put up with me, because I can read and write ancient Egyptian, decipher hieroglyphs and hieratic" she tells him.

"And she's the only person within a thousand miles who knows how to properly code and catalogue this library" I add.

"Who needs smart women? I put up with you because your mother and father were our finest patrons, Allah rest their souls. Now straighten up this mess" Bey tells her and leaves.

"Well he's a ray of sunshine. How are you dear cousin?" I ask Evelyn.

"Oakley?" she asks surprised.

"The one and only" I tell her smiling and she hugs me tightly. I return it happily. "I'll help you clean up" I state. Suddenly we hear a loud noise and pull away. "What was that?" I ask her and she shrugs. We hear it again and go to check it out. I grab my knife encase there's danger.

"Abdul? Mohammed? Bob?" Evelyn calls and no one answers. We enter a room filled with treasures and plunder from the Middle Kingdom. It's very dark and quiet in here, the only light is from flickering torches at either end of the spooky gallery.

We hear the noise again, from the far side of the room. Evelyn grabs one of the  torches as I grip my knife tighter. We soon come across an open sarcophagus. "That's not suppose to be open, is it?" I ask and she shakes her head. She slowly leans forward with the torch, and peers inside.

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