Attack on British Fort

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Oakley's POV

We're at the British Fort in Cario. I've been reunited with my cat Snowy and Uma is at the stables. I'm in Evie and my room. Rick is trying to pack her suitcase while the argue. I'm just sitting on the bed patting Snowy. "I thought you said you didn't believe in all this fairy tales and hokum stuff!" he demands. As he puts some books into her case.

"Well, having an encounter with a three thousand-year-old walking, talking corpse does tend to convert one" she retorts as she takes the books out.

"Forget it! We're out the door, we're down the hall, and we're gone" he tells us.

"Oh no, we are not" she snaps taking out the clothes he'd put into the case.

"Oh, yes, we are" he tells her.

"Oh, no, we are not! We woke him up, and we are going stop him!" Evie tells him.

"That we are" I agree.

"We? What 'we'? We didn't read that book. I told you not to play around with that thing, didn't I tell you not to play around with that thing?" Rick asks Evie.

"Yes, that's right, me, me, me, me, I, I, I woke him up and I intend to stop him" she tells him.

"Not without my help of course" I tell her.

"Oh yeah? How? You heard the man, no mortal weapons can kill this guy" Rick reminds us.

"Then we're just going to have to find some immortal ones" she tells him.

"There goes that 'we' again, y'know I wonder if..." he says while placing his hands on the suitcase. Evelyn slams the suitcase shut on Rick's fingers. He yelps shaking them.

"Listen we've got to do something! Once the creature's been reborn, his curse is going to spread until the whole of the earth is destroyed" Evie states.

"She makes a good point" I tell him.

"And is that my problem?" he demands.

"Well you are one of the idiots who live on it" I retort.

"What she means, is that it is everyone's problem" Evie adds.

"Evelyn, I appreciate your sister saving my life and all. But when I signed on, I agreed to take you three out there and bring you back. End of job, end of story, contract terminated" Rick states.

"Oh, that's all I am to you, a contract?" Evie demands.

"Ok look, you can either tag along with me or stay here... and try to save the world! What's it gonna be?" Rick asks her.

"I'm staying" she tells him.

"Same" I state as I put Snowy down. They both say 'fine' multiple times before Rick leaves the room. Slamming the door behind him. "Well that happened, so where are we going to start our search for an immortal weapon?" I ask Evie.

"Library" she states. I nod my head and we went to the library. We burrow some books and left as I heard thunder. I see a flash of lighting as we entered the court yard. I hear someone calling our name and we turn to see Rick.

"We got problems" he tells us. That's when a barrage of hail and fire slams into the courtyard. We run under cover. "He's here! I saw him! That thing is here" he tells us.

"The creature!? Are you sure!?" we ask him.

"Pretty sure" he says nodding the hail and fire.

"Good point" I state. We hear a blood curdling scream from upstairs. "That's Mr Burns room" I tell them and we race upstairs. We find Mr Burns dead on the floor, his body all dried up half it's usual size. We hear a groan and turn to see Imhotep now a dimly muscular corpse.

"We are in serious trouble" Rick states. Imhotep notices us heads our way. Focusing on me as I push Evie behind me. "Back off creep" he tells him. But he doesn't and Rick opens fire as Jonathan rushes into the room with two Americans. Imhotep grabs him and throws him at them. Before looking at Evie and I.

"Stay behind me Evie" I tell her as we back away from him. We soon hit a wall.

"You saved me from the undead. For this, I shall make you immortal" he tells me. He leans in to kiss me. When we hear the piano. He turns and I see Snowy. She hisses at Imhotep. Who  spins into a blast of sand and wind. He swirls out the doors

"Are you ok Oakley?" Evie asks me.

"An undead mummy tried to kiss me, would you be ok?" I demand as I pick up Snowy. "You good girl" I praise stroking her and she purrs. "We have to find a way to kill him and we are not leaving without Snowy. She seems to scare him" I state they all agree. Evie said we should be able to find answers at the museum from the curator.


Picture above of Oakley's cat Snowy and picture on the external link of Imhotep is disguise.

Priestess of Hathor: Mummy Trilogyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن