Chapter 20

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Felix's POV

When I woke up a few hours later, I glanced up at Ryan's adorable face as he slept. I blinked and then looked out the window. I felt Ryan shift in my arms. I lifted my head and looked down at him. He blinked open his eyes and yawned, looking up at me. I smiled warmly. "Hey Ryan. Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"I did." Ryan whispered." Did you?" He asked.

"Yeah." I murmured. I gave him a quick kiss." Apparently we're almost there." I said. I smiled slightly, ruffling his hair. "Probably like 10 minutes before we land." I said. Ryan smiled and stretched." Wow." I whispered." I'm pretty excited." I said and looked out the window.

"Oh, Felix, I can tell. And I'm glad you are." Ryan murmured, slowly trailing his fingertips up and down my side." I am as well." He said. I looked up at him.

"Good.' I murmured. I leaned forward, giving him a soft kiss. He kissed me back for a few secinds before pulling away. I smiled and leaned back against the seat. Soon after, we began to land at the airport. I looked out the window and gave a small sigh. I smiled when I realized that we were in Cancun. Once we landed and stopped moving, I took off my seatbelt and watched as people started getting off. I looked over at Ryan and smiled. I stood up and grabbed his hand. I led us into an opening and started leading us over to the doors of the plane. We got off the plane and entered the airport. I immediately turned and looked out a large window. Beyond all of the planes and long runways, the clean, blue ocean could be seen. I smiled and shifted my gaze over to Ryan. He was also staring out at the ocean. He blinked and then met my gaze.

"This place looks awesome." I said with a grin. I kissed Ryan's cheek softly." Let's go get our stuff and get a cab to bring us to the hotel." I said. I then slipped an arm around his back.

"Okay." Ryan murmured. He wrapped an arm around my waist and then we started walking to the baggage pickup area. I walked beside him. We eventually made it to the baggage pickup. I took my suitcase in my free hand and Ryan did the same. I turned and led us through the airport to the doors. Cancun looked absolutely stunning. I wonder what the resort will look like in person... I'd seen pictures when I'd booked the room but it was always better to see it in person. I pushed open the door for us and walked outside. A taxi soon pulled up. I gave Ryan's side a gentle rub before moving over to the trunk and opened it. I set my suitcase in the trunk and Ryan did the same. Ryan and I got into the cab. I told the driver which hotel we were staying in. I then put on the seatbelt and looked out the open window. I knew Ryan was looking at me for a while. He shifted his gaze away after a moment. I reached over and took one of his hands in mine, keeping my gaze out the window as we started moving. Cancun was so beautiful. The water looked so clear and the sky was bright blue. After a while, I glanced over at Ryan ad smiled as we pulled up to the hotel. Ryan smiled warmly at me.

"We're here." The driver said. I gave Ryan's hand a gentle squeeze before letting go. I handed the driver the money and then got out along with Ryan. Ryan moved to the back of the taxi and opened the trunk and grabbed his suitcase. I did the same. I wrapped my free arm around his shoulders and looked at the hotel. It was pretty big and each room had a balcony. Our room was near the top, facing the ocean. We would have a pretty good view.

"This place is beautiful." Ryan whispered, wrapping his free arm around my waist.

"It really is." I agreed with a smile and closed the trunk. The taxi drove off. I started walking towards the hotel with Ryan. "I can't believe we're actually here." I grinned.

"Yeah. But, we're here finally." Ryan said with a smile.

I looked around us and then I glanced at Ryan. I gave him a warm smile. "Well, let's go to our hotel room." I smiled and walked over to the doors. A lady held the door open for us and I smiled, giving her a "Thank you," As I looked around the lobby. It was a really nice hotel. It looked very welcoming and open, and clean.

A Smile Behind The Mask (PewdieCry)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя