Chapter 23

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Ryan's POV

It was a few hours later in the day when the sun was beginning to set. Felix and I were going to some party. Before that, we came back to the motel room and watched a cheesy romantic movie and cuddled. We both ended up falling asleep however. I stirred and blinked open my eyes with a groan. I looked around with slight confusion until I remembered where we were. I felt something warm on my neck. I looked down and noticed it was only Felix. He was snuggled close to me, his face in my neck. I smiled and raised my hand and stroked his hair slowly.

"Stop it." Felix slurred, shifting his head away from my touch. I laughed softly.

"Well, someone's moody today." I said teasingly. Felix groaned and blinked open his eyes. He glanced up at me.

"No. I'm just tired." He said. I shook my head.

"You shouldn't be. You're the one that suggested to go to this party." I said. Felix sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Alright, alright. I'm up." He murmured, his words slurring. I laughed softly and sat up as well. Felix leaned against me, resting his head on my shoulder. I smiled and slipped an arm around his waist.

"Good. Because I want to party with the love of my life." I murmured. I kissed his head and he smiled warmly. I stood up and grabbed his hands. I pulled him up and held him to my side. I started walking with him beside me. Once we made it outside, Felix had started to wake up. There was a cool breeze hitting us, but it wasn't that cold. Felix pressed closer to me.

"I bet this will be fun." I murmured. Felix nodded.

"It'll be even better since you're there." He whispered. After a while, we eventually made it to the place. There was a rather large mansion type house on top of a huge, flat hill. I led Felix up and looked around in wonder. It was amazing and the view was beautiful. There was a large pool in the back.

"This place is amazing." Felix breathed softly. I nodded in agreement. I looked around at the hundreds of people here. I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous and shy. I slunk back and pressed closer to Felix unconsciously. He seemed to notice how I was. He tightened his grip on me as he led me into the house. Inside, it was huge. There was a large group of people dancing. There were pool tables, darts and other games inside. I blinked.

"Baby, don't even get the idea of owning a house this big. I can't pay those payments." I teased. Felix laughed.

"Don't worry. This is too much for me anyway. Besides, I like the home we're in now." He murmured. I smiled.

"Hey...Come on. Let's play some pool." Felix said. He led me over to a table and set everything up. He then handed me a pole. I grabbed it.

"Just letting you know, I'm going to beat your ass." I said with a wink. He rolled his eyes playfully.

"Whatever Ry." He said." Because I am so terrible, I should go first." He said innocently.

"Fine. Have at it." I whispered. I watched as he aimed and hit the white ball, watching a few others fall into the pockets." Bull shit. You are not bad at this." I said.

"Sorry." He said, giving me an innocent look with a smirk. I shook my head as I took my turn, aiming and hitting the ball, watching as it rolled around the table. Huh. Nothing. Felix smirked more." Too hard?" He asked teasingly.

"No..." I trailed off. "But, I can tell you what I'd." I countered, gazing at him seductively. I watched as a blush appeared on his face, although he was smiling.

"Stop it Ryan." He whispered. I laughed and shook my head.

"Sorry." I purred. I laughed as he shifted. I'm glad I had that effect on him. I watched as he took his turn and then me. Once I looked back up, however, he wasn't there. I looked around." Felix?" I asked. I suddenly felt strong arms wrap around me. I jumped and whirled around, seeing Felix. He was smirking.

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