Chapter 1

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Felix's POV

"God damnit Cry," I exclaimed over dramatically. The two of us were in the middle of playing a good game of Prop Hunt,and I thought I had the best hiding spot ever. But that sneaky Flordian had found my hiding spot and killed me.

These were the moments that I looked forward to; playing some great video games with great people, especially Cry, who lived across the Atlantic Ocean. Since the two of us rarley got to visit, we tried to play video games together a lot, which was hard due to the different time zones from Florida to Brighton.

I flashed a smile to the webcam, in which Cry could see my face on his screen somewhere. Cry started laughing. "Sorry Pewdie," Cry said. I could tell he was smiling.

"Haha," I said mockingly,crossing my arms my chest and giving a little pout. Cry's laughing was contagious,because soon Istarted laughing as well. I heard footsteps walking through the hallway,but thought nothing of it. I grinned. Cry eventually stopped laughing to catch his breath.

I smiled at Cry, as I heard the bedroom door open. I turned around and looked behind me."Hi Marzia," I greeted.

"What are you doing," she asked, walking closer to me.

"Playing a game with Cry," I said with a smile.

"That's just the problem," Marzia said with a small sigh.

"Wait,what," I asked with a frown,suddenly serious, and standing up. I moved closer to Marzia,taking her hand.

"Don't even Felix!" Marzia exclaimed. "You're always playing your stupid games and you care more about your online friends then you care about me!"

"Marzia!" I exclaimed, looking shocked. "You surely can't believe that!"

"Oh,but I do! And I know it's true!" she exclaimed. Tears started forming in her eyes.

"Felix,don't you get it? It's over," she said before storming out of the room and slamming the door behind her. I stared at the door for a moment before looking down at the floor. It was silent for a long time after that. I eventually heard Cry clear his throat from my headset. Cry...I completely forgot that he could hear everything.

"I'm sorry Pewdie," Cry whispered. He really did sound sorry. He shouldn't though. It wasn't his fault. I sat down again, my face in my hands. "Don't be sorry," I muttered. "This is not your fault at all. Don't feel bad," I said, running my hands through my hair, unable to even look up at the screen. I was already on the verge of crying, but i was trying not to show it. I heard Cry let out a small sigh.

"Hey, Pewdie, how about you come visit me in Florida," he suggested.

"Cry,you don't have to do that," I said, finally looking back up. I fixed my hair and wiped my eyes, fixing Cry with an unreadable look.

"Pewdie...I can tell that this has greatly upset you. I'm your friend and I want to help take your mind off of this. I can buy you a plane ticket to get to Florida and then pick you up at the airport when you get here," Cry said.

"Are you sure," I asked,looking up at the webcam. I felt a small smile form on my face. Cry was such an amzing friend.

"Of course I'm sure," Cry said. I could tell by his voice that he was smiling. "Go pack some things and I'll find you a plane ticket." I smiled.

"Thanks, Cry. You're the best," I said with a grin before turning off my webcam and pulling up skype so I could still talk to Cry through typing. I got up and walked to my closet and got out a suitcase and opening it. I began putting clothes in; most of them since I wasn't sure what the weather was going to be like in Florida, or for how long I was staying with Cry.

I eventually heard Skype go off. I walked over and looked at the message. Cry had sent a message saying he had sent me the flight information and to call him when I landed. I typed back a thank you. I printed off the plane tickets and continued to pack my things.

I finished packing and looked up at the clock. It was fairly late at night. I probably should get some sleep since I have to be at the airport early in the morning. I laid down in bed and fell asleep with a small smile on my face.

A Smile Behind The Mask (PewdieCry)Where stories live. Discover now