Chapter 21

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Ryan's POV

After a few minutes, we made it through the motel and out to the pool. I stopped us and looked around. It was rather big. The pool was large and it had a building for lockers and changing rooms. It had an outdoor bar and lounge chairs around the pool. "It's nice out here." I murmured. Felix nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. Let's go find a lounge chair that's open and put our stuff down by it." Felix murmured. He gave me a gentle tug and started leading me around, looking for a chair. Felix spotted one and led me over to it. He slipped off his shirt and set it down on the chair along with the towel and his shoes. I took off my shirt and shoes and put the towel down by it. I looked up at Felix and smiled. He reflected my smile and grabbed my hand, bringing me over to the pool. He stepped in and waited for me. I got in and, for once, the water was actually warm unlike the ocean in Florida. I went in until the water was brushing against my stomach. I looked back at Felix and noticed he was right behind me. His eyes were warm and he was looking at me with so much love. I turned to face him and shifted closer to him. I rested my hands on his waist. He did his arms around me and pulled me close.

"God I love you, Ry." Felix whispered.

"I love you too Felix. I love you so much." I whispered. He laughed quietly, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. I closed my eyes at the feeling. I then suddenly smirked and dipped my hand into the water. I waited a moment before splashing water up at Felix's face. He pulled away and glared at me playfully.

"Hey, we were having a moment!" He said. I smiled innocently at him. He shook his head. I then splashed water at him again. He shook his head and then pounced on me, pushing me under. I flinched at his sudden actions. My heart sped up and I struggled. Felix let me go and I came up above the water. I started coughing, water running down my chin from my mouth. Guilt flashed in Felix's eyes. "I'm sorry Ryan. Are you okay?" Felix asked, his voice filled with concern. I nodded and drew in a shaky breath.

"Hey, I'm okay babe." I murmured. I moved over to him and pulled him close to me. I kissed his forehead softly. "I'm okay. You just startled me." I said. Felix wrapped his arms around me and rested his forehead against my shoulder. I held him closer to me. I kissed the top of his head and smiled more. I watched as some people jumped off the diving board and some other families playing with their children. Children...I've always wanted a kid. I looked down at Felix. I know we really couldn't because of...Reasons. I mean we could always adopt, but, it isn't the same as having our own child. I pushed that thought out of my head as Felix looked up at me curiously. I gave him a quick peck on his lips before ruffling his hair. I slowly ran my other hand along his side.

"Something on your mind?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No. I'm okay." I murmured. He smiled. He then pulled away and looked around. He yawned and stretched. I smiled softly.

"You tired baby?" I asked. Felix nodded and looked at me.

"It's been a long flight." He murmured. I smiled.

"I guess." I said. I wasn't really tired though. Felix seemed to sense that I wasn't tired.

"Hey, we don't have to head back yet if you're not tired." He said. He ruffled my hair. "We can stay for a bit." He said.

"Alright babe. I'm getting out for a bit. I'm going to at a drink at the bar." I said. Felix nodded. "You want something?" I asked. Felix nodded.

"Yeah. It doesn't matter what." Felix murmured. He then blinked and and looked over at the diving board. I sighed.

"Go ahead babe. I'll go get our drinks and you can have fun." I said. I ruffled his hair before hopping out of the pool. I grabbed my towel and dried myself off before heading over to the bar. I sat down on an empty chair and ordered us a drink. It was a mixed drink of some kind. Might as well have some. A little alcohol wouldn't hurt. I thanked the guy as he gave me the drinks. I then looked over and noticed Felix was over at the diving board. I watched with slight amusement as he dove off of it. I swear he's so childish at times. I shook my head and looked away. Felix sat beside me after a minute once he dried off.

"Thanks Ry." He murmured as I handed him a drink. I blushed a bit at him calling me Ry. I liked it. He laughed softly and took a sip. I sighed contentedly and started drinking. After a while, we had finished our drinks. I stood up along with Felix and draped an arm around him. I started walking with him back to the room. He smiled and rested his head on my shoulder. I let out a breath.

"I don't like being smaller than you." I said. Felix looked diwn at me and gave me a small squeeze.

"Hey, I find your height adorable." He said with a small smile." You're fun sized!" He murmured. I glared up at him playfully. He kissed my cheek before looking ahead." You know I'm right." He said. I didn't say anything. I merely smiled and kissed his shoulder before looking ahead. We eventually made it back to the room. I let go of Felix and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and moved into the bathroom. I quickly change before I came out again. I noticed Felix had changed into shorts, leaving his shirt off like I had. I moved over to the bed and sat down on it. He sat beside me, draping an arm along my side, pulling me closer to him. I leaned into his touch, sighing softly. I rested one hand on his chest, rubbing it in small circles. Felix laughed softly.

"Come on baby." I said. I shifted and laid down on the bed. He laid beside me. I draped my arms around him, pulling him close to me. He smuggled into my touch, burying his head in the crook of my neck. I smiled and rested my head on the top of his.

"I love you so much Ry." Felix said in a soft whisper. I held him closer.

"I love you too." I murmured. I kissed the top of his head." Now get some sleep dear. We'll do more tomorrow. Felix nodded against my neck, his soft hair tickling my chin. I smiled. After a few minutes, Felix had fallen asleep. I watched him. He was so cute in his sleep. He looked so peaceful. I let myself relax and my eyes close. After a few seconds, I had drifted off to sleep.

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