Chapter 25

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Ryan's POV

It was around seven at night when we had started getting ready to go out. It's not like we were being formal or anything. But, we planned on dressing up better than usual. I had just gotten out of the shower and dressed. I was wearing a nicer black shirt with some dark jeans. My hair was combed a bit more neater than I usually brush it, if I ever do. I put in a new pair of contacts before moving out of the bathroom. Felix was sitting on the bed. He looked up at me and smiled. He was wearing a simple light blue shirt with a pair of shorts. His ocean blue eyes locked with mine. He stood up and gave me a quick, passionate kiss. He pulled away." You look very handsome Ryan." He murmured.

"You'd better believe it bitch." I said with a playful wink. He laughed and lightly punched me in the arm.

"You ass hole. I'm complimenting you and that's the thanks I get?" He asked with a smirk.

"Hmm. How's this for a thank you?" I asked. I then captured his lips on mine and pulled him close to my body. He eagerly started kissing me back. He smiled and rested his hands on my chest. We eventually broke apart.

"You're welcome." He murmured with a smirk. I rubbed his arms before pulling away. Felix held my hand." Should we head out, love?" He asked. I nodded. I turned and moved over to the door, throwing my shoes on. Felix did as well and walked outside with me. We took the elevator down and moved out of the hotel. I led him down the sidewalk, holding his hand. I frowned a bit. Felix looked at me with concern.

"...Are you okay babe?" He asked. I was silent.

"...I don't know." I whispered. I squeezed his hand." I feel different. My stomach is king of hurting and I'm freezing." I whispered. I noticed I had started shaking a bit. Felix frowned with worry. He brushed the hair away from my face.

"Hmm. Maybe you're starting to get the flu." He murmured. God I hope not. I didn't want that. I pressed closer to him.

"Maybe. I'm sure it's nothing." I whispered. I slowly rubbed his hand and sighed quietly. I kissed his head softly and looked down. Felix squeezed my hand and continued walking. We arrived at the restaurant a while later. I got us our seats and sat down along with Felix. A waitress came over and took our orders for our drinks. I was having water along with Felix. The waitress nodded and left the table. I looked at Felix and he frowned.

"...Babe? What's wrong?" He asked. I looked down.

"I don't know." I whispered. I felt really cold and my stomach was hurting like hell. Felix watched me with concern. Felix touched my arm and his eyes widened.

"Babe...You're freezing." He whispered. He started rubbing my arm to warm me up. I shuddered a bit more and gritted my teeth. Okay...Maybe I was getting a bit sick. I just didn't know what the hell I had though. Felix hesitantly removed his hand from my arm as the waitress came to order our food. I told her what we wanted and she left. I looked down and my eyes closed. I felt my whole body shaking. Felix watched with concern."...Sweetie, you look really pale. When we get back tonight, I want you to go lay down. Okay?" He asked.

"S-Sounds good." I whispered through chattering teeth. Felix sighed and grabbed my hand. He slowly rubbed it with his thumb. I looked at him silently." Thanks babe." I whispered. He nodded.

"Anything for you dear." He said, offering a small smile. I watched him softly. I then raised our hands, pressing a soft kiss to his. He squeezed my hand." I love you." He whispered, his voice quiet.

"I love you too Felix." I murmured. I looked up as the waitress came back. She placed the food down in front of us. She then moved away. I started eating slowly. Felix did as well, looking at me with concern. My body gave a violent shudder. I bit my lip. I set my fork down after a few minutes.

"Babe?" Felix asked. I sighed quietly. I buried my face in my hands.

"...You can eat Felix." I whispered. "I'm not going to eat." I said softly. I whimpered a bit as a pain shot through my stomach. Felix watched a bit. He continued eating slowly, watching
me. I was breathing heavily through my nose. Felix had soon finished up. I paid the waitress and then stood up. I led Felix out of the restaurant and walked beside him, back to the motel. He held me close and rubbed my side. I stayed close to him, absorbing his body heat. I closed my eyes, biting my lip. I was freezing. But, his body heat was helping to warm me up a bit.

When we arrived at the motel, he led
us to our room. We walked in and Felix led me straight to the bedroom." Now, sweetie, I need you to relax since we're leaving early tomorrow. I want you to get some sleep." Felix said. I nodded.

"I will dear. But...Can you promise me something?" I asked. He gazed at me, silently urging me to go on." You'll lay with me?" I asked.

"Of course love." He said. He laid by me. I smiled and kissed his cheek warmly. I snuggled against him. Felix draped his arms around me. He then rested his chin on my head. I closed my eyes and relaxed against him. I could feel the faint rise and fall of his chest with each breath he took. I was soothed by how warm he felt.

"Thank you Felix." I whispered. He nodded.

"Anything for you baby. Now get some sleep." Felix whispered. I nodded. It was a while later when I finally drifted off to sleep.

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