"You're driving."


I rolled my eyes at him but still put the rest of my cards in his glove box before turning in my seat slightly to look at him, I was right, he was still hot when he drove.

Although everything Harry did was hot.

"We have to talk about it."

"No we don't."

"Yeah we do, and you wanna talk so let's talk about it now." I smiled, I was so smart.

"I don't wanna talk, dunno what gave yeh' that idea."



I pouted immediately at his response, "That's not my name."

"Yeh' called me Harry." Harry countered and I pursed my lips, he had a point.

"Whatever. I start at Columbia in September." I started off, I figured now was a good time and besides I'd already booked our flight, I just had to get Harry to agree to come with now.


"I finish uni on the eighteenth of June and then I was planning to go to France for like a month and half, will you come with me?"

"'Course." Harry answered easily, although it was another one word answer. "Can't go before yeh' birthday."

"Why not?" I frowned, glancing out the windscreen as he stopped at a yellow light.

"Said so."

"Not an answer." I pouted, maybe Ollie would know but I had barely spoken to him. He was always busy when I asked to hang out.

"What do yeh' want for your birthday?"

"It's two months away." I pointed out.

"Yeh' and you're gunna be twenty two. And I don't know about you, but I'm feeling twenty two."

"Oh my god!" I breathed out a laugh at Harry quoting Taylor Swift, aware of the smile tugging on the corners of his lips. "I can't believe you said that."

"Did yeh' like it?"

"Obviously. That's like my best friend and my favourite pop star in one sentence." I laughed.

"Then it was worth my dignity." Harry shrugged just as he turned the car off and I blinked, looking out the window.

We were here?

And I didn't even get to talk to him about New York! I frowned as I realised that but I knew I couldn't be surprised because he did this every time I tried to bring it up.

The last time I'd done it was last week, we'd ended up having sex in my bathroom instead.

The time before? Harry had pretended to be getting a really important call from Louis that he just had to take.

Except his phone was upside down the entire time.

"Can I come with you?" I asked despite already knowing the answer.


I sucked my teeth as Harry rummaged in the door pocket beside him for a few moments before he reached over for the glove box and I grabbed my flashcards out the way just as he grabbed a couple of bags and gave me the rest of my cards.

"Won't be long." Harry said and I smiled.

"Be careful."

"Always am Flower."

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