sixty two.

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"And you're telling me, he still hasn't told you he loves you back?"


There was a warning in the word as I browsed the rack of jumpers in front of me, aware of Ollie looking at me pointedly from the corner of my eye and I sighed.

"It's not a big deal." I tried to convince him, because truly, it wasn't.

I had said that when I'd told Harry I was in love with him, I really didn't want him to just say it because he felt bad or because he thought that was what I wanted to hear.

I only wanted Harry to say it when it was true.

If it was ever going to be true.

"Peas, of course it's a big deal! You two are dating, you're in love with him! Why hasn't he said it back yet? It's suspicious." Ollie pressed on and I sucked my teeth as I held out a jumper towards him only to receive a shake of the head.

"It's not suspicious, maybe he just doesn't love me."

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

I jumped at Ollie's outburst, our conversation about Harry didn't exactly warrant that kind of response and I looked over at him in confusion only to find his eyes on his phone. This conversation was the first one we'd had where his eyes weren't pointed at screen,

"Everything alright?" I asked halfheartedly, before moving towards the door of the shop, so far Ollie had bought everything we'd looked at this afternoon and I'd bought exactly nothing.

"Yeah, Liam's just mad at some guy in the office."

I frowned as I looked back at Ollie, his fingers flying across the screen, was that my Liam he was he talking to?

"Liam?" I asked, "My Liam?"

"Hardly yours." Ollie snorted, his eyes finally meeting mine and I raised an eyebrow at his answer watching as he swallowed before laughing awkwardly. "Yeah your Liam."

"Say hi."

"Of course Pea, oh what time are you meeting Niall?"

I pulled out my phone to look at the time, no new messages from Harry or anyone actually but I was mostly disappointed about Harry. It had been almost a week since I found out I got into Columbia and I didn't want to say it but he'd been...distant.

But not really.

If that made any sense, it didn't to me and I was the one who was having to deal with it!

"Um about ten minutes." I informed Ollie as I took one last glance at my phone, 1:05pm.

"Aw shit, I'm not gunna get to see him, I've got class at one thirty and I kinda need to leave now." Ollie pouted and I rolled my lips together as I nodded, pretending to be sad.

"Have a good afternoon!" I smiled as Ollie pressed a quick peck to my cheek before heading off, his phone glued to his hand once more.

I pursed my lips as I watched Ollie until he was out of sight and I decided to head on over to the coffee shop I was supposed to be meeting Niall at, I didn't want to be mean and I definitely wouldn't have said no if Ollie had asked to come.

However, ever since new years, something had been off with us, he was annoying me.

I felt bad even thinking about it or feeling it and I only sorta kinda voiced my thoughts to Harry, but he'd just shrugged it off with something about 'all friends disagree'. I loved Ollie, I really did, and I guess we were kinda like siblings.

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