Randy | There's No Way

Start from the beginning

"Just get back on the couch, Andy," he admonished, and we snapped out of the moment like the trained professionals we were. I clambered back onto his white sofa, my attention returning to the distraction on the telly in front of us. Soon enough, I felt my eyes get heavy, the carbs taking their toll. 

I laid down to rest my head on the arm of the sofa while my feet pushed up against his thigh. A few minutes later Rye laid down as well, our legs tiredly tangling as he tried to get comfy, every readjustment ending up with a foot in someone's face. 

"Fuck this," he huffed, moving his whole body around until we were lying the same way, his body up behind mine. 

"What are you doing?" I mumbled, faint alarm bells ringing in my mind as I felt him stretch along the length of me. 

"Getting comfy," he answered. His shuffling stopped as he found a happy curve to match mine, his arm reaching around to lock us in place. I felt his contented sigh in a puff of breath that tickled that back of my neck, his hand snaking up just below the fabric of my hoodie. 

"Don't touch my belly," I muttered, insecure under his fingertips. We couldn't all maintain washboard abs after ten slices. 

"It's warm," he protested, beginning to trace circles in a way that was innocent yet pleasant enough for me to let it slide. His breathing went steady against my neck, making me think he was drifting off. This moment already settling itself in our history as just another 'almost'. 

But then I felt him kiss me. 

It was so, so light. His lips met the top of my spine with barely enough pressure to signify intent. If I hadn't felt his beating heart against my back I might not have even believed it. I heard my own sharp intake of breath as five years of painfully unchecked tension boiled down to one split second decision. 

How was it that all that progress could be lost with one simple tilt of my head? Impossible as it seemed, it really was that easy to break. I tilted, welcoming him with exposed skin, tumbling over the edge of 'almost' with a breathy sigh. His lips were on my neck.

Butterflies were now following the path of his fingertips fluttering across my stomach, their number increasing as Rye grew bolder, soft kisses turning wet and purposeful. Drawing blood to the surface of my sensitive skin as his body curved deeper into mine, squashing all the spaces where we used to hide our secrets. Sighs cascaded from my lips, the feeling so dangerously addictive that it frightened me. 

"Rye?" His name fell out, a shaky question. 

"I'm sorry," he whispered, resting his nose against the back of my head. I could feel his instant regret and the guilt caused by his unravelling, but I didn't want it. Not yet. 

"Don't be sorry," I said to him, turning around in his hold, feeling his hands bunch up anxiously inside my hoodie. "It was always going to happen someday."

 We were nose to nose with little to no hope of retreat. I never thought our 'someday' would be a regular Tuesday with pizza bloating, but the way he was looking at me told me there's no way it wasn't going there. It shouldn't have been so easy to kiss someone I'd spent five years convincing myself not to kiss but it turned out all it was was two centimetres. Two centimetres that turned into nothing in a heartbeat. He tasted like diet coke and daydreams. 

It was a gentle explosion. Open mouthed and eager, his hands fisting into my hoodie to pull me closer. Legs slotting together. Tongues twisting. It was slow, yet fierce, humming into each other's mouths at the pure relief of finally letting go. 

"You okay with this?" He asked against my lips. I just nodded into him, pulling his bottom lip between my teeth to suck on. It made him moan, his palms flattening against the skin of my back, smoothing down to curve over my ass. A moan of my own fell from my parted lips, certain now I'd never be able to get enough of this. I reached my out with my tongue to circle the tip of his, the tips of Rye's fingers slipping past the waistband of my joggers. 

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