Mack | The Broken Omega (ABO) | Part 1

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* m i k e y *

There's nothing worse than hanging out with a lovey-dovey couple when you're single. Unfortunately for me, my two best- well, two only friends were deeply in love, and had no qualms about showing their affection for each other in front of me. As they were doing now, beside me on the couch, while I turned up the volume on the movie I was watching and they were ignoring. 

I had to put my foot down when a stray elbow nearly hit me in the face for about the fifth time. 

"Jesus, guys, you're an actual hazard when you're making out." I complained, shoving at them. 

Rye detached himself from Andy's lips, giving me a sheepish look. "Sorry Mike. We got carried away again didn't we?"

"He's been like this since we bonded." Andy said fondly, settling into Rye's lap. 

"I hadn't noticed." I muttered sarcastically as Rye nuzzled his nose into the fresh bond mark on Andy's neck. I fake gagged in their direction.  

"Look Mikey, I've said it before and I'll say it again. You. Need. An. Omega." Andy asserted in his sassiest tone. 

"Yeah, bro," Rye agreed, "you've been single since..." he searched his mind, "I wanna say forever?" 

Andy nodded at his alpha in confirmation. 

"Alright give it a rest," I chastised, "you know I'm open to it, it's just-"

"No one's good enough for the Michael Patrick Cobban," Andy finished my sentence, rolling his eyes, "we know."

"We must have introduced you to like twenty different omegas this year alone." Rye reminded me, exasperated, "You didn't like a single one?"

"It's just that omegas these days- they're all so bloody submissive. Sorry Fovvs," I added as an aside as Andy grumbled from his position on Rye's lap, "I mean is it too much to ask for a conversation? Bit of banter maybe?"  

"Of course it's not," Andy answered kindly, crawling across the couch to cuddle into me, "just don't be too picky or you'll be alone forever." He whispered into my ear as an afterthought. 

"Well there is hope on the horizon," Rye announced, "my old omega friend Jack is moving to the UK next week, and I said he could stay in the flat with us while he finds his feet."

"Old friend?" Andy questioned suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. 

Rye laughed lightly. "Never like that. He always had a boyfriend. Everyone was certain they were gonna bond but..." Rye trailed off sadly. 

"But what?" I asked, curious.

"But the guy left him for a beta dude."

"Shit, that sucks." I commented. Being single was rough, but I couldn't imagine what this omega's situation was like- to think you've found the love of your life and have them betray you at the last moment. 

"Yeah it was pretty rough." Rye said grimly. "I'm fairly sure that's why he's moving. You know, to get away."


* j a c k *

How was it possible to have this fucking many pictures of Brooklyn on my phone? 

I threw the phone across my bed, giving up on the task of steadily deleting the images. Maybe I'd just get a new phone in England. 

It's not like the absence of the pictures made him disappear from my mind. Everywhere I looked in my room there was evidence of him. The Mickey Mouse mug he'd bought me on our trip to Disneyland. The posters he'd helped me pick out. Half my goddamned clothes were still covered in his scent. I decided to pack light. I could always start a whole new wardrobe. 

I really needed to get the fuck out of Ireland. Maybe then I could finally stop thinking about Brooklyn and that lanky beta asshole Sonny he'd dumped me for. 

I was going to be staying with my old friend Rye for a while. He was an alpha yes- and I was decidedly done with alphas for the foreseeable future- but he was already bonded to an omega, so I figured it would be alright staying with him and his mate for a while. As long as they didn't try and set me up with any alphas, things would be fine. 


* m i k e y *

"He's here!" Rye announced, jumping up as his phone lit up with a text. 

"Quick, Mike, fix your hair!" Andy fussed, rushing over to me. I batted him away gently. 

"Chill out please," I told him pointedly, stilling his wrists with my hands. 

Before I could hear Andy's response the front door had opened, the space in the doorframe replaced by the figure of a gorgeous brunette omega. I couldn't help but gawk at the sight. He was truly beautiful. Tall and slim, clothes hanging off his slender frame perfectly. Deep green eyes framed by long dark lashes. I had to shake myself from my trance as I followed Andy up to greet our new guest. 

"Jack, meet Mikey." Rye introduced, grinning between us both. 

"Does he live here?" Jack asked Rye, ignoring me completely. Well that was rude. 

"Uh yeah, didn't I tell you?"

"That another alpha lived here? No, you didn't Ryan."

I was shocked by his abrasive tone. I'd never heard an omega speak like that to an alpha, ever. 

"Look mate, I don't know what you think I'm gonna do." I started. 

Jack turned to me, focussing on me for the first time. Those green eyes bore into mine, lingering on me before he spoke. 

"Sorry, Mikey was it?"

I nodded dumbly. 

"Mikey. I'm sure you're a perfectly nice guy. But in my experience, most alphas are nice guys until they get horny."

I was utterly dumbstruck, too shocked even to do what I probably should have done- use my alpha voice to put this unruly omega in line. I could feel my inner wolf seething with rage at being insulted like this, rage that burned hot. I'd never felt this strongly about any omega before. 

Andy intervened before I could say something I would regret. 

"I'm sure you're tired, Jack. Why don't I show you to your room and we can talk about this in the morning?" He suggested amicably, placing himself between Jack and the two alphas in the room.  

Jack sighed. "Sure, fine." Then turning to me, he added, "Just do me a favour and don't try to bond me while I'm out." 

My mouth dropped open in outrage as Jack followed Andy out of the room. I caught his scent as he pushed past me. It was citrusy. Sharp and sweet at the same time. Figured.   

I looked to Rye, a clear 'what the fuck?' expression plastered all over my face. 

"He grows on you." Rye stated apologetically. 


* j a c k *

I tossed and turned in the unfamiliar bed. For once, my mind was off Brooklyn, but it was spinning instead with dread over what had just happened. 

I'd been an asshole. And a terrible omega. I can't believe I'd just been that rude to not one but two alphas. But I couldn't help it when I saw the look in that curly haired alpha's eyes when I walked through the door. Because I'd seen that look before, on Brooklyn's face.

And Brooklyn had left. 

All alphas were the same. They acted like they wanted to protect you and love you, but really most of them just treated omegas like their toys. And I wouldn't let myself be fooled again. I would never be another alpha's toy. 

The worst part was that he was cute. Like really fucking cute. 

* * * to be continued * * *

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