Randy | 3 AM

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It's a long drive home. All of us are wrecked from our last show of tour, none of the usual chatter filling the van, all of us just sitting in exhausted silence. 

I'm very comfortable because I'm cuddled up with Rye, his warm sleepy body acting like a pillow for mine, my head fitting almost too perfectly in the crook of his neck, his face half buried in my hair. I can feel his steady breaths moving his chest against my back, and it's very comforting.  

Rye sighs in his sleep, pulling me tighter against his body as I snuggle further up into him. I usually can't wait for these long car rides to be over, but right now I don't want to move. Maybe ever. 

It almost feels cruel to wake him when we finally pull into our driveway, but as much as I'd like to stay, Darren probably won't let us live in his van. I gently shake him awake, holding back a coo as he grumbles and stretches, letting out a massive yawn. 

"We're home, babe," I let him know, tugging at his wrist until he finally follows me out of the car, heart jumping slightly as he slings a casual arm around my shoulders as we walk up to the house. Things have been kinda like this between us lately... cosy, let's say.  

"Do you wanna sleep in my room tonight?" he asks. 

I hesitate, because it's a complicated one with him. It didn't used to be. It used to be the complete opposite. Our friendship was always so natural, simple and easy, neither of us ever having to pretend around the other. We just worked.

But lately that's changed. It's been a tough year. We lost a close friend and bandmate. I went through hell with some family stuff. We suffered some frustrating setbacks in the band. Rye's been there for me through all of it, and we've come out the other side closer than ever, our bond the strongest its ever been. But it's also different. There's feelings there now that weren't there before- or rather, were more easily pushed aside before my walls broke down and I realised I needed him.

"You don't have to. I just didn't feel like being alone tonight," he explains, sensing my uncertainty. 

I definitely don't want to be alone either. I want him next to me. I want his touch. That's kind of the whole problem. But the way he's looking at me melts my heart, and I know I can't say no.

"Yeah, sure, I'll stay," I say, and Rye smiles, pulling me by the hand to his room. I'm so tired, leaning into his shoulder the whole way there.

When we get to his room I collapse on his bed straight away, not bothering to strip any of my clothes off, sleep already pulling at me the second my face hits his pillow. I watch blearily through half-closed eyes as Rye shuffles out of his hoodie and shirt, leaving his joggers on. He pulls off my shoes and socks which are still on my feet before crawling up next to me, tucking the duvet around us both. I cuddle into him straight away, a position we've grown way too used to recently. My face is buried in his chest and he presses a kiss to the top of my head. I fall asleep to the feeling of his hands running through my hair. 

I can tell it's not morning yet when I wake, because the room is still pitch black. I'm momentarily confused as to why I've woken up early, when I realise there are fingers tracing my face. I hum at the feeling, leaning into the touch as my eyes flutter slowly open. 

I can only barely make out Rye's face in the dark but I can tell that it's close enough to mine to get my heart racing all over again. His fingers move to my lips, tugging on the bottom one and parting them slightly as two of the fingers slip in between. Almost unwillingly, I open my mouth wider, letting the fingers slip in a little further, humming as I suck lightly on them, him pulling them slowly out of my mouth with a pop. 

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