Randy | Nudes

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* r y e *

I probably should have been listening to what Blair was saying. It seemed important. Tour dates, music video releases for the upcoming year, press appearances, all very important band business. But I couldn't. There was a little blond distraction that kept getting in the way of my proper brain function. 

I stared at Andy from across the couch as he listened intently to what was being said. He looked adorable, his kissable lips pursed in concentration, his hands swallowed up by the too-long sleeves of my favourite hoodie. I just wanted to march over there and rip it off him. Along with the rest of his clothes...

"Did you get that, Rye?"

I snapped my head back to where I was supposed to be looking. 

"Sorry, come again?" I said to Blair. 

"I said reservation's at eight, so everybody go get dressed and we'll talk about the rest of this at dinner, yeah?" Blair repeated himself slowly, looking pointedly at me. 

"Copy that," I smiled assuringly, grabbing Andy by the wrist and practically dragging him upstairs to our room. 

"Woah, Rye-"

We had barely made it in the room before I had him slammed against the door, my lips smashing into his. 

"Mmm..." Andy mumbled, melting into the kiss for a few seconds before I felt his hands placed on my shoulders, gently pushing me away. 

"Get dressed," he ordered.

"No! Get naked," I countered, trapping him between my arms. 

"No time," Andy chastised, bopping me on the nose and ducking out from under my arms, "we have to be at dinner in half an hour." He moved over to open the wardrobe.

"Ughh, but baby, we haven't had sex for ages," I whined, "and you're leaving again tomorrow."

"No time for that shit babe, I'm hella busy if you hadn't noticed." Andy grumped, pushing me away.

The last few weeks had been hectic. Between covers and new music videos in the works, Andy especially had pulled more than a few all-nighters. By the time he finally slid into bed each night it had always been lights out straight away- both too tired for anything to happen. To make matters worse, Andy and Jack were both leaving as soon as our break started to see their families, meaning we would have to wait even longer.

Tonight, I was frustrated. I missed my sexy little boyfriend's sexy little body.  

I caught him in my arms again before he could wriggle out of my grasp, pulling him in needily.

"Andyyy pleaseee," I whined, humping at his side dramatically. Andy pushed me away laughing. 

"Ryeeee, be good tonight, please," he begged. 

"But I'm horny," I protested childishly. 

"I can tell, baby, but you have to wait," he said, bemused. He pulled an outfit for me out of the wardrobe and threw it on the bed. "Now put this on."

I huffed, but obeyed. In all situations but the between the sheets, Andy was the boss. 

The annual Alphadog dinner, as per usual, was an all-night affair. As the hours ticked by, I could feel my chance with Andy for the night slip between my fingers. He had an early train to catch and he was already half asleep in my arms by the time we paid the final bill. Sighing, I carried him to the car, kissing his knuckles on the back of our intertwined hands before driving him home, Andy already letting out light snores by the time we arrived back at the house. 

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