"I don't wanna go back to New York. I don't have a choice though. It'd be sad that I wouldn't get to see Josh, but Sea City is just so amazing."

   Anthony reaches his arm out to me, and he lifted up my head.

"It's not as amazing without you."

   He put a stray piece of hair behind my ear and leaned in closer. I also leaned in. As I did, I could basically feel the girls staring at me.

   The moment our lips touched, I felt happy. But I also was hit with realization. The girls were right. We could never be a couple with the distance. We'd easily lose track of each other, and our bond wouldn't be as strong as it would if we lived by each other.

   Anthony looked like he wanted to say something else, but he seemed too shy to, so I decided to give him a nudge.

"Is there something else you wanted to say? You seem like you want to say something."

   He seemed a little shocked that I noticed at first, but then he remembered that I'm his best friend.

"Was this a ... date?"

"It could be. I guess it just depends on how you think about it. It could have been a date or a hangout."

"Oh, okay."

"What do you want it to be?"

   His face turned red.

"A date."

   I gave a little smile.

"Me too."

   His face lit up.





"Mag, do you think we could even be together? You live like five hours away. How would that even work?"

"I'm not sure. But - Look! The sun is setting!"

   We drew our attention to the ocean and saw the sparkling water.

"Do you wanna go over there, Anthony? The water seems really bright tonight."

   He looked at the ocean, then at me.

"Nah. I've got a better view right here. What were you saying?"

   I blushed as I continued.

"I was saying that I think we would be able to find a way to make it work even though we wouldn't see each other a lot."

   He frowned a little.

"No. I can't let you have a relationship like that."


"I love you, I really do, but I want you to have a better relationship than that. You need someone who will be with you all the time. Someone like ... Josh."

   I was touched and sad about what Anthony had said. I was touched because of how much he cares about me, but sad because, well, it's kind of true.


"I don't wanna talk about it anymore. Hey you know what?"


"The team and I had your name put on the trophy along with ours because of what you did."

"That's awesome!"

   I smiled for him, but I was still sad.

"Well Mag, it's getting dark. We should head home."


"Oh, do you still wanna sleep with me? You could sleep where you friend was if you want."

   I thought it over for a few seconds.

"That's okay. I think I'll stay with you."

   He smiled.

"I was hoping you'd say that."

   We left the pizzeria and headed home.

Waves of Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें