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Two days. That's how long Stiles had been missing. That's how long this nightmare had been going on. We found Allison, Isaac and Kira in the parking lot outside the hospital after the electrical wire began going crazy. The only one who could go near it was Kira. Interestingly enough, she was able to touch it, almost as though she was controlling it. I was in awe at what I was seeing and I heard Derek yell that Isaac wasn't breathing. He'd been electrocuted. He was rushed to the hospital and that was when Melissa informed me that Stiles was missing.

He'd taken his Jeep, and still hadn't shown up. Sure Stiles went off sometimes, but never for more than a few hours. I finally came to terms with what I'd been thinking. Stiles was the Nogitsune, and I couldn't stop it.

A voice brought me back to reality. I looked up to see Allison. She smiled lightly and asked, "Did you go home or were you here all night?"

"I've been here all night. I didn't want to leave you alone, and after last night, well, sleep wasn't an option. Scott, they won't let us see him because we're not family."

Allison yawned and slowly opened her eyes. "I told them he doesn't have any."

Melissa walked up and smiled. "He's got us. And I've got a key card." She said as she pulled out a plastic card from her pocket.

She opened the door for us and whispered, "Be quick."

I grabbed Allison's hand as we walked in. The machine beeped steadily and I saw that the right half was burned. "I thought he'd be healing by now," Allison said quietly.

"So did I," Scott replied as he placed a hand on Isaac's arm.

"Is he in pain?" Allison asked softly. Scott nodded and black lines began running up his arm as he took some of Isaac's pain. Isaac moved ever so slightly, and Scott began gasping from the pain now coursing through his veins.

He finally pulled his arm away and  turned to Allison. "It won't heal him, but it helps with the pain."

"Did Stiles really do this?" Allison questioned in anger. She suddenly realized what she'd said and instantly apologized. "Oh, God. I wasn't thinking, Lis. I'm so sorry."

"Save it," I retorted. "For now, we have to figure out where he is and how to get him back."

Scott nodded. "She's right. Whatever's controlling him did it. Whatever's inside him."

Allison released a sigh. "Well, then how do we get whatever's inside of him the hell out of him?"

"I'm working on it."

"Work harder. Please."

Scott suddenly perked up at something and began running off. "Scott!" I yelled.

"Stay with Allison. I hear one of Argent's emitters in the basement."

I didn't listen and ran to the basement with Scott. He glared when he saw me. "Like hell I'm staying there. If there is some news about Stiles, I'm going. Besides; Allison can kick some serious ass. She can protect herself."

He grumbled and glared at me. "Fine. But you're staying behind me. And if anything goes wrong, you run. Got it?"

I nodded. "Got it. Into the dark descent we go."

Scott rolled his eyes as we walked down a dark and creepy staircase. Scott reached the bottom and I almost ran into him. "Dude; what the hell! You can't just--" I trailed off, seeing a familiar outline standing aways off. Though they were similar heights, it definitely wasn't Argent. Stiles.

I grabbed Scott's arm and followed him slowly down the hallway. He glanced to me and whispered, "Lyssa, you have to remember, this isn't Stiles. If I tell you to run, run. Run like you're trying to get first place in a cross country meet."

Kids in the Dark [S.S. Book One]Where stories live. Discover now