20. Absolutely Necessary

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"Boss, are you okay?"

My response to Anne's question was a very pathetic groan. I was definitely not okay. I currently had my elbows resting on my desk with my hands buried in my hair. My eyes were most likely bloodshot from the hours I've spent today trying to create a new security system for the feds. This system was a lot more complex. Their old one was good; but I needed to make one better. For the price they are paying me, they expected me to deliver.

Anne sighed as she walked into my office. "Drink this, Mr. Williams."

I looked up at her and let out a long breath as I took the small cup from her. I could tell it was espresso from the rich aroma. "Thank you." I took a sip and let the hot liquid course through me.

"Boss, you look a little strung out."

I chuckled. She was too sweet. I know I probably looked way worse. "That's an understatement."

"Have you made any progress?" She asked in an upbeat tone. Anne knew me way too well. Whenever I was having trouble and getting stressed while working on a project, she always try to stay positive to keep me motivated.

"A little," I answered as I shrugged a shoulder. "I'm having issues with the sensors and the dual-path modules."

So much shit went into an alarm system. People hardly thought about that. We needed to make sure that the signal is secure, that the rate the alarm sends a signal to the company is as fast as possible, and also it's important to make sure some hacker genius can't bust into it. I usually test my own product. But I would be an arrogant idiot if I believed there wasn't someone out there smarter than me. That's how the world worked. No matter how good you are at something, there is always someone better. Sometimes that's what can ruin someone's career. Arrogance.

"I'm sure you'll work it out. Why don't you take a break? I took the liberty of ordering you some lunch. It's in the dining room."

"What would I do without you?" I asked as I got up from my chair.

"Crash and burn?" She quipped and followed me out of my office. When I was working on a project this complex, the hours, or even days, seemed to trickle by. I would be so consumed by my work, that I forgot to do things like eat or sleep. Thankfully, Anne was always on top of it.

"You are absolutely right," I agreed as I sat at the table. "This is amazing. I haven't had Japanese in a long time."

"I thought you would like that." Anne grabbed a small box from the bag and took the seat across from me. "How is Ms. Preston doing with her mother visiting?"

I chewed my bite of food and swallowed before I answered. "She said she's doing okay. I know she has some anxiety issues, but she's making progress. The three of us are supposed to have dinner tonight."

Anne's face lit up. "Really? That sounds lovely. Where are you going?"

Luckily, Lydia let me pick the place. I think she was under so much stress with her mother in town that she didn't care. Which worked perfectly for me. "I'm taking them to Gramercy Tavern."

"Fancy," Anne said with a smile. "Do you need me to make reservations?"

I dropped my fork and met her stare. "Shit. I totally forgot."

Anne laughed and shook her head. "Boss, it's already done." How the hell did she know... "You wrote it down on your calendar."

I couldn't help but laugh. Anne was literally the other half of my brain. I couldn't count the number of times I would have missed a meeting or an important appointment if it wasn't for her. She was about the same age as me and I recruited her as soon as she was done with college. I had just started my software company and she has been with me ever since. People have always asked why Anne and I never dated, and the answer was always the same...we didn't see each other that way. It was true. I'm not saying Anne wasn't attractive, because she was. We just fit so well together as a work team and that's how it's been. Besides, she was engaged to a great guy and I couldn't be happier for her.

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