11. Flowers & Chocolate

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"So, your saying our system is hackable?"

I leaned back in my office chair before I answered Deputy Director Scofield of the FBI. It took me a little while to investigate his security system; only to verify his suspicions. Their system was not one hundred percent secure. It would definitely take someone with extreme skills to breach it, and it would be stupid to think someone out there wasn't capable. 

"That's right," I answered, "don't get me wrong, it's a great program. But, if the wrong people try to infiltrate the FBI..."

"They may be able to get into our system," he finished. He let out a long breath and I could picture him running his hands through his thick brown hair. The few times I met him, he seemed to always do that when he was frustrated. He was fresh out of a promotion and couldn't be older than forty-six.  "What do you suggest?"

That was a question that had many different answers. He could either keep the system he had, because in all fairness, it was decent. Or, he could have someone beef up the security system. The other option was one I didn't want to present to him. Basically, I could try to come up with a whole new security system for their office.

I relayed all that information to him and let him think about it for a few minutes. I knew what he was going to say, and I was hoping he wouldn't. If I created a new software for them, that was going to take up a lot of my time. So much went into making a new product. It was going to mean late nights and barely any sleep for a good six weeks.

"Do you think you can create something better than what we currently have?"  

"I can definitely try," I answered honestly. "While I'm working on it, we can leave the current security system you have in place. Like I said, it works extremely well and should suffice until I can come up with something."

"Let's do that," Scofield said confidently. "I'll keep in touch with you over the next couple weeks to see what you come up with. If you need anything, you know how to reach me."

"Sounds good," I said before we hung up the phone.

I placed my cell phone down on my desk before I leaned forward, burying my face in my hands. I've been feeling exhausted lately, and this wasn't going to help. As much as I enjoyed working for the FBI, I didn't expect it to be this taxing. I didn't regret the decision to sell my company, however. It was probably one of the best decisions I ever made.

"Another big project, Mr. Williams?"

I looked up at Anne as she stood in front of my desk with a smile. "Yeah, the deputy director wants me to try to create a whole new security system for their field office. You know what that means?" 

"Of course I do," she quipped. "That means Ms. Preston isn't going to be pleased. But, I'm sure you will make it up to her." 

She wasn't wrong. Lydia liked that I found a job I actually enjoyed, but it was a strain for both of us when it cut into our personal time. There have been multiple times when a date night was cancelled, or one of us showed up late. We never really got mad at the other one for it, we just knew it was a let down. 

"Yes," I said to Anne, "Friday is Valentine's Day and she's agreed to let me take her to dinner." 

"That's great!" She exclaimed. Since Lydia and I have been together, Anne has gotten to know her. Lydia was the first girl that Anne approved of. Even though she was my assistant, I considered her a good friend. There has never been anything more than a platonic relationship between us. 

"Yeah. I was hoping she would let me get her a gift, but I don't think that's going to happen. You know Lydia," I sighed. 

She nodded with a laugh. "Yes, I do. May I offer some advice?" 

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