chapter (4) × rival

17 1 1


💜Wednesday, March 11th💜

Dear diary,

Where do I start.
I've never written a diary entry before... my mom told me to.
So here I am.
Guess I should just begin with the very start of my day..?
I had set my alarm for the school day, but that wasn't the thing to wake me up.
I woke up early thanks to my pet cat, Ajax.
Black cat. Yellow eyes.
Stereotypical bad luck.
He crawled onto my face at around 6 AM, waking me up from slumber.
Thankfully it had been Ajax and not my pet spider, JD..
No, my mother doesn't endorse me having a pet tarantula. It's tame, though. She doesn't know I have him, because I kept him secretly. He lives in a cozy box on a shelf in my closet.
So I was forced awake at 6 AM.
Just because Ajax wanted food.
Thanks a lot, Ajax. 🙃
So I got up and carried Ajax downstairs, feeding him and finding a note on the kitchen counter.
From my mom, of course.

Good morning, Virgie ♥️

I left for work pretty early this morning,
so don't be confused when I'm gone.
I hope you have a good day at school!
Love, mommy

Confused when she's gone?
She's gone practically all the time..
It probably wasn't the best thing to be sarcastic about, but what else am I supposed to think about it?
I went back upstairs, letting Ajax roam around free.
I got ready for school, and then had about an hour and a half to spare.
I turned on the light and opened the door to my closet, taking a cardboard box with holes poked into it from the top shelf.
I opened the tops of it.
And there was JD.
He was an off-brown color.
I gave him his breakfast, too.
Not gonna go into details.. you probably know what spiders eat, though.
Then I closed the box and stored it again.
And then checked my phone.
It was blowing up with texts from.. a group chat?
It was one made for the science project.
Everybody in our group was in it;

Roman - hey

Logan - It's.. it's 3 AM?

Roman - Yeah, I know.
I randomly woke up and can't
go back to sleep

Remus - OMG hi bro

Remus - 😏😏
So you're awake

Roman -


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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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