chapter (1) • new

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•Roman Sanders•

♥️-Monday, March 9th-♥️

Dear diary,

How can I possibly even begin to describe what a horrid morning I had!
The horridness began right when I woke up. I was quite certain that the night before I had set my alarm for 6 AM sharp, so that I would have time to get ready to go to school. It was my first day of senior year, after all.
But my body decided that it would completely ignore the alarm and that I would wake up at 7, thirty minutes before the school day started!
To top it off, I had to ride the bus, which had already driven right by my stop by the time I woke up, so I knew I would have to walk all the way to the school.


So you wanted to know how I attempted to cope with this terrible beginning?.
Well, lucky you, because you're about to hear just the story!
I was dazed when I woke up not hearing my alarm screaming right beside my head, so I sat up and looked over to my bedside table to check the time.
7:00 AM!?
How did I manage to oversleep? Did the alarm not ring? It never has failed to wake me up! I wondered.

y head spin as I overthought everything, especially how this could negatively impact my ego.
Is that really the thing you should be worrying about right now, Roman!? My logic chimed in from my brain.
I quickly jumped to my feet and skipped down the now seemingly steep, long set of stairs, sprinting to the kitchen.
I pulled a random cabinet open and grabbed a bagel from one of the bags amongst the plethora of junk food.
It was a blueberry bagel.
I hated blueberries.
Moreover, I have never eaten a bagel without cream cheese, as petty as it sounds.
I just didn't have time to spread the cream cheese onto the bagel!
I know, how disheartening!
I stuffed the bagel into my pie hole,
(or should I say bagel hole)
and then took off running back up the stairs.
Once I arrived upstairs, I quickly changed clothes, used the restroom, and brushed my teeth.
Thoroughly, and in that order, mind you.
My brother, Remus, had seemed to already have left for school.
He's a jerk to not wake me up from my beauty sleep.


Once I was at the front door, I decided I was too fabulous to have to walk all the way to the school.
After all, I'd be all sweaty and gross by the time I had arrived! We can't have that!
So I decided to take an Uber.
"Yo, you heading to the local highschool, right?" The driver asked. They had black hair and were wearing a bright orange, knitted beanie.
"Yessir," I responded, making eye contact with the driver through the rearview mirror. Then I added, hesitantly, "my alarm decided not to wake me up this morning."
"Wow, really? That happened to me just yesterday! Name's Joan, by the way." The Uber driver related.


"Bye, kid!" Joan waved goodbye from their car, rolling down the window as I waved goodbye to them.
I gripped my hands over my backpack straps and let out a worried sigh, looking up to see the giant, rather frightening school building looming ahead of me.
My parents were rather wealthy, and my father had recently received an acception from an office corporation to have him work there, but the closest one was halfway across the globe from where we had lived before, so we moved here.
I hesitantly walked up to the front doors of the building and rested my hand on the door handle for a few moments.
Apparently those few moments were pretty long for the student on the other side of the doors, who was forced into the welcoming committee by the councilors.
The door swung open from the other side, nearly hitting me in the face.
"Sorry. Didn't know if you were ever planning to move." The student grimaced lightly.
"O-oh, my bad." I muttered, but the guy apparently thought this wasn't a good enough apology.
He caught me by my shirt collar and got closer to my face.
"You're the new kid, huh. We can only hope that you don't cause any trouble to the teachers." He growled, before letting me go and crossing his arms.
I finally got a good look at him.
Overly-gelled blonde hair and brown eyes. His hair was quite obviously dyed, and he was wearing a biker outfit.
A teacher's pet that's dressed and acts like a gangster? This school's already so interesting.
But I didn't hesitate to awkwardly back away and then rush to the main lobby, swinging my backpack into my hands and unzipping it, taking out a handmade map of the school and my schedule.
English with Mr. Sanders was my first period. Sanders? That's my last name! How dare my teacher plagiarize me!
I followed my map down countless hallways that all seemed endless, not paying attention to my surroundings whatsoever.
Of course, my day had to keep being bad.
I ran headfirst into someone!
Thankfully, he seemed to be in the same boat as me.
"Hey, uh, do you know where Mr. Sanders' class is? I'm so lost." He asked.
"No, that's actually where I'm headed, too, though. Maybe we can figure it out together?" I suggested.
The boy seemed to brighten up, grinning at me, "Yeah! I mean, yes please."
He had brown hair and wore glasses, with a beige jacket tied loosely and messily around his neck.
I looked down at my map, studying it.
I wonder what I did wrong? Oh. Am I seriously dumb enough to have this paper upside down? That's why the directions made no sense.
I flipped the map around and eventually discovered where I was at the moment, and navigated from there.
I walked alongside the other boy as we turned around and strolled down a different hallway.
All the hallways looked identical.
That didn't help with navigation.
No landmarks whatsoever.

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