Part Seven

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Lei had no idea how long she had been trapped in her cell. There were no windows, and trays of food and water were pushed to her through a slot in the door in irregular intervals.
The only good thing about her imprisonment was that it wasn't over. The only reason Azula would have for keeping her alive would be as bait for her brother. If she had caught Zuko, there would be no reason to let Lei live. As long as Lei was alive, Zuko was safe.
Muffled footsteps approached down the hallway.
Just like every time, Lei pushed herself to her feet and stood beside the door, angled so that if it were opened she wouldn't be able to be seen and could surprise the person from behind.
Not that her half-baked plan had ever amounted to anything. The door to her cell hadn't been opened since she was originally thrown inside and tortured.
The cut on her face hadn't bled for very long, but her hand had been a nuisance. With only one working set of digits, tearing material from her outfit for bandages had been a long and arduous process. Lei was rich on time, however, and had patched up her fingers and palm as best she could.
The wounds throbbed in pain as Lei waited for the tray of food to be pushed toward her.
To her surprise, the sound of the lock clicked and the door began to swing open.
Not wanting to waste her chance, Lei jumped forward and pulled her jailer into the room. Mai cried out and stumbled, but Lei didn't wait around to see how she'd recoup.
Lei ran faster than she had ever run before. Her pain became negligible in the face of her fear and need for escape.
She turned a corner, only to run face first into Ty Lee.
Lei tumbled to the ground, taking the chi blocker with her.
Lei hissed as a new spurt of pain shot up her arm. She had tried to catch herself with her injured hand.
Ty Lee recovered much more quickly than Lei. Considering the girl wasn't in horrific pain and half starved to death, it made sense her reflexes were faster.
Quick jabs to Lei's legs rendered them immovable.
Lei slumped to the ground, panting much harder than she should have been. She clutched her hand to her chest and groaned.
"How did she escape?" Ty Lee asked as Mai approached from down the hall.
"I went into her cell."
"Azula said not to open the door for any reason."
"I know."
The two girls shared some meaningful look above Lei's head.
"Help me get her back," Mai said as she bent toward Lei.
Lei didn't bother fighting. Her legs wouldn't work and she was already so tired and in so much pain that struggling would only make it worse.
Lei leaned against the wall to her dingy cell and squeezed her eyes shut.
Mai and Ty Lee whispered amongst themselves for a moment, but Lei couldn't make out what they said.
It had been stupid to try and escape before she had healed. A small smile pulled at her lips. Zuko had done the same thing when she first met him.
The door to her cell closed, but Lei wasn't alone.
Mai still stood in the center of the room.
"What do you want?" Lei asked with as much malice as she could procure.
"I want you to tell me some things about Zuko," Mai answered in her infallibly flat tone.
"Why?" Lei asked incredulously.
"None of your business."
"I'm not telling you anything."
Mai stared down at Lei. Her expressionless face gave nothing away.
"If Azula were asking, she would threaten you," Mai said.
"What more could you possibly threaten me with?" Lei spat.
"You still have eight fingers."
Lei clutched her hand to her chest defensively.
"What does Zuko like?" Mai asked, seeming to take Lei's reaction as a cue that her threat worked.
"Why do you care?" Lei growled.
"That doesn't matter," Mai returned, procuring a blade from her sleeve. "Answer the question."
Lei watched the sharp metal reflect the candlelight with unease. If she were injured further, escape would become even more impossible.
"He likes dueling and learning about healing." Lei said carefully. "He's an incredible firebender and likes to practice and learn new moves."
"What does he like about you?" Mai asked, pointing the tip of the blade towards Lei's quickly beating heart.
"I don't—what do you mean?"
"Why did he choose you?"
Something Azula said on the night Lei was captured clicked. 'This is the girl who seduced my brother away from you.' Mai must have liked Zuko before he was banished. She was jealous of Lei.
"I'm not sure," Lei answered, trying to mirror Mai's indifferent tone.
The dagger rang as it collided with the stone at Lei's back. Lei gasped and flinched away from where the metal had nicked her ear.
Mai crouched down and retrieved her weapon before Lei could even think of collecting it. Their faces were only inches apart now.
"You're lying," Mai said.
How could her tone and eyes be so dead when her actions spoke so loudly of how much she really cared?
"I guess I'm just not sure," Lei explained breathlessly. "He's impressed by my skills and we get along really well. We have the same sense of humor."
"Zuko has a sense of humor?" Mai asked.
"Surprisingly, yes." Lei muttered.
"What else does he like?"
Lei's skin crawled with the question. She didn't like talking about her boyfriend like this, especially to someone like Mai.
"What more do you want from me?" Lei hissed.
"When you kiss him, what does he like?"
Lei's eyes widened.
"I'm not telling you that!"
Mai shrugged and leaned forward. She grabbed the wrist of Lei's injured hand.
Lei gasped in pain. Her legs still wouldn't move. Nevertheless, she tried to extricate herself with her other hand.
"Stop it! Let me go!" Lei screamed as the blade poised above the flesh at the base of her third finger.
"Answer the question," Mai replied with the same lack of emotion.
Lei hesitated.
The tip of the blade dug into her skin.
"Slowly!" Lei burst.
Mai let up pressure on the blade.
"He likes to be kissed slowly, and gently. He likes to take the lead."
Mai blinked, her face still as unreadable as a statue. She stood up and returned her blade to her sleeve.
She left the room and Lei hung her head, somehow feeling like a dirty traitor.

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