Part Six

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Zuko was incredibly aware of just how stupid this plan was as he walked through the gates of his family's house on Ember Island. He kept walking anyway.
"Hello, Zuzu," Azula called from her lounging position on the front steps. "Took you long enough."
"Where is she?" he growled.
"Would you like to see her?" Azula asked with indifference. 
While traversing the halls of Zuko's old family vacation home, Mai and Ty Lee emerged and walked on either side of him. Azula still walked ahead. They were caging him in.
"Here we are," Azula said as she gestured to the door beside her. Zuko pushed forward and forced his way into the room.
It was small and dark, lit only by a single lamp on the wall.
In the center of the room was Lei. What was left of her.
Zuko dropped to his knees in disbelief.
A pile of scorched ash lay in front of him.
"No," he moaned. He leaned forward and brushed aside heaps of the black material. Bile rose in his throat at the sight of bones and small clumps of scorched, auburn hair.
"No," he hissed when he saw a pair of blackened fingers in the rubble. He lifted the one with the band of meteorite still around it.
He had asked Toph to make it for him. At first he had drawn the design for her, but quickly realized how stupid that was when Toph simply stared blankly at him with her blind eyes. He described it to the young earthbender instead and she had created something even more beautiful than he had envisioned.
He clutched Lei's finger to his chest as tears began pouring down his cheeks and a sob of pure anguish wracked his entire body
Azula killed her.
The weight of Lei's sword hung heavy against his hip. Sokka tracked Lei to the river's edge the morning after she disappeared and Katara had sensed the weapon deep in the water. Zuko wanted to give it back to her, but now he would never get the chance.
"I meant to keep her alive," Azula sighed. "But she was just so annoying. Not to mention how long you took to get here—"
Zuko whirled around and shot a series of flames towards his sister. It had been a while since fury had fueled his firebending.
He could hardly see past the tears in his eyes and he was so distraught that the fight was over before it had really begun.
Ty Lee disabled him with ease and he crumbled to the ground in a wretched, sobbing heap.
"Mom was right," Zuko hissed. "You are a monster."
"Oh, dear brother," Azula said mockingly. "You're just realizing now?"

Zuko's RegressionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang