Chapter 9

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     True to his word, Geronimo didn't attack or harm a single person the entire weekend. While the battle was far from over, giving everyone a time out to pause seemed to let everyone settle down and they were not panicking as much as they were on Friday. When Homeland was informed why there was a break in the violence, they went out of their way to make sure that every part of Pete's life and every means of communication was tapped and ready to trace. They were all confident that the Prophet was going to try to contact him again; it was only a matter of time, based on his profile and his ego as well as his balls according to Captain McManus.

     Pete decided to go about his business as if nothing had happened the previous week. Jessie went back to campus with a little more money and promised to stay on campus until everything was resolved. Minimal risk and just hearing that from her made Pete feel a little better. The last thing he wanted was Jessie to put herself into harm's way, and she had also promised to contact him or come straight to the house if something happened or the Prophet tried to talk to or see her. Pete was sure Geronimo had bigger fish to fry, but he wanted to have all his bases covered.

     Pete pulled up to Gabby's house and slowly stopped on Sunday night. He didn't want to give the boys back. Pete had convinced the boys' mother to let him keep them both until after supper, just to stretch out his time. He was afraid that the Prophet was waiting for the exact moment they went home so he went out of his way to change the schedule, hoping it would throw the killer off his game.

     Pete had taken his sons out for burgers, fries and a milkshake. He'd let them play a few video games afterward, doing his best to enjoy time he rarely got with them. The kids were all smiles as they walked up the driveway and to the side door where their mother was waiting for them to come home.

     "Hello, Gabby," Pete said as he walked up behind them.

     "Pete," Gabby replied. "How was your weekend?"

     "Surprisingly quiet," Pete answered. "Wasn't called in once."

     "Not even once?" Gabby said, surprised. "Even with that monster running around the city?"

     "There have been no updates," Pete explained to her. "I guess even bad guys like their weekends."

     "I'm surprised," Gabby admitted. "Usually work can't leave you alone."

     "He got the weekend off," Michael said as he walked up to hug his mom. "The Indian guy said so."

     "Oh really?" Gabby said as she looked at Pete. "Who's the Indian guy?"

     Pete paused for a second. "Not in front of the kids."

     "Boys, go in and brush your teeth," Gabby said as the boys ran off to do as they were told. His ex-wife gave him that look that told Pete he was about to get into trouble. "Who is the Indian guy?"

     "He calls himself Geronimo," Pete replied. "He called on Saturday while I was making breakfast, and Michael answered the phone first."

     "Who is Geronimo?" Gabby asked, grilling him as if she were the cop and not the other way around.

     "He's the Prophet," Pete said, knowing the outburst that was to come.

     "What!" Gabby yelled as she walked out and closed the door behind her. "Our son was on the phone with that monster!"

     "Yes, but only long enough to pass the phone to me," Pete replied. "Since the call, we've had two units on the house; our boys were never in any danger."

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