Chapter 8

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     After several hours making calls and chasing leads, Pete finally needed to call it a day. He ordered Grozza and Jones to do the same and quickly briefed the overnight detectives and gave them all the Intel they needed to keep an eye on things while they recharged. Pete didn't get off work until seven, which meant Jessie had already picked up her brothers and most likely fed them a slab of pizza. When he came home, the aroma of pepperoni led him to believe his instincts were correct. As he came into the small townhouse, a movie was playing on the television and the boys were eating popcorn with their older sister. No one at first noticed he had even arrived. Either he was that quiet or the movie was that good.

     "Don't everyone get up at once." Pete said as he tossed his overcoat onto one of the chairs in the hallway. Usually after a long day, he didn't even want to hang the coat up, out of fear it was going back onto him before midnight.

     Once the two young boys realized their dad was home, they ran out of the living room and hugged him. Jessie stayed on the couch and waved from there.

     "Hard day?" she called out.

     "You could say that." Pete walked the boys back in. "What are we watching on the tube?"

     "It's a cool movie," Jack replied. "It's called Frozen."

     "Now that sounds cool." Pete looked over at Jessie with a face that displayed his annoyance. He had worked so hard to keep that movie out of his house, thinking he had dodged a bullet. Now Jesse was bringing that soul-wrenching masterpiece into his home for them to watch a zillion times.

     "Thanks, Jessie," Pete said with a fake smile.

     "You're welcome." Jessie was amused by the simple things in life. She also liked the movie and didn't care what her father thought.

     Pete stole a slice of pizza from one of the boxes on the coffee table and walked into the kitchen to get something to drink while the boys continued to watch their movie.

     Jessie quickly followed her father into the kitchen. "Kind of surprised to see you home."

     "I am, too, but I'm no good to anyone without sleep and a shower." Pete pulled a longneck from the fridge.

     "Are you really working this Prophet case?" Jessie inquired. "That guy has been all over the news."

     "I am," Pete admitted.

     "For heaven's sake," Jessie said, annoyed. "You know my mom and their mom would flip if they knew you were heading this case. They'd accuse you of endangering all of us."

     "I'm not that concerned about that," Pete honestly told her.

     "Why not?" Jessie asked.

     "You're not his preferred target," Pete explained. "If this prophet is serious about this whole remember the ninety-nine bullshit, he's only after the one percent, and I can assure you that we're not in that club."

     "First time I've been happy for not being rich," Jessie admitted.

     "No kidding," Pete said as he bit into the slice. "Makes me happy my lotto numbers haven't come in yet."

     "How bad are things out there today?" Jessie asked.

     "You remember those flight cancellations across the East Coast?" Pete countered. When she nodded, he continued, "That wasn't a terrorist drill. The Prophet had been hitting planes in the air. Our guy has been a busy boy today."

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