Colt Cabana

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@cmpunk_chick66 thank you for the idea's on this chapter (:

Miranda POV: I was talking to my Mom about the Phil incident when my phone went off signifying I had a notification. I looked at my phone to see I had a tweet from Colt. I opened it and looked at it. #SelfieSaturday (Sunday's are lame HaHa) with @WWEMiranda..Miss these day's. I looked at the picture; it was one that him and I took at an airport before we got on a flight. I wiped a tear as it left and retweeted and favorited the picture as my phone went off showing Colt's face. Yeah? I asked. Well..Hello to you too, Miranda. Colt said into the phone. I sighed. What do you want, Colt? I asked. Dang..Still mad at me huh? he asked. Colt, it's only been a few month's..I'm just not going to forgive and forget that easy. I said. I understand that, but what do I have to? I've apologized more times then I can count. Miranda, I still care about you and you know that. Colt said into the phone. I sighed. Maybe it's best you move on, Colt. Phil was able to, so I'm sure you can too. I said with a tear rolling down my cheek. Miranda you know damn well I'm not Phil, and I NEVER will be. he said. I know that, I's a lot right now Colt. I said sadly. So..I'm guessing Phil told you then? he asked. You mean him and AJ getting married; yeah he told me about it. I said sadly. Are you going to show up? he asked. I doubt it, why should I? That's my ex boyfriend getting married to a woman I thought was my best friend; just isn't a good environment. I said. Aw come on, you gotta at least go to support em; they would do the same for you. he said. I rolled my eye's. Give me one good reason why I should go. I said. Because Mr. Colt Cabana is going to be making an appearance. I could hear the smirk in his voice. Yeah..that doesn't help at all. I said. Smh..Well..I tried at least. I laughed. Good effort though, Cabana. I said. He laughed. I really think you should consider it though. No one has seen you in awhile around here. he said. Maybe if you, Phil, and I didn'thave that incident a few month's back none of this would be happening right now. I said. Alright, I'll honestly over that and I've dropped it. Why can't you do the same? he asked. Because Colt, you walked out on me. I said raising my voice. You and Phil were all I had in the WWE and you both up and left. I said. I already apologized Miranda, what else do you want me to do? he asked. Just don't even talk to me, delete my number. It's time for me to move on, and I suggest you do the same. No Mir- I hung up the phone before he could finish what he was about to say.

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