Different Side Of Phil

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He looked at me. Look, I'm sorry if I'm messing with your emotions. I'm sorry that I ruined our friendship. I'm sorry I bitched out Colt... I'm sor... I put two fingers on his lips. Shut up Phil. I said laughing. He laughed and laid back in the seat and looked at me. I'm really happy for you and Colt. I looked at him. He's a great guy and he deserves to have a great woman like you. I smiled. Thanks Phil. I said pecking his cheek. He smiled. I really am sorry about everything though. he said. I sighed. Phil, stop apologizing. I said intertwining our fingers. I said I forgive you. You really are an amazing woman Miranda Marie. he said looking at me. Oh, I know. I said with a smirk. I hope Colt knows what an amazing girl he has. Oh trust me..he does. I said laughing. He laughed.  So, we're good? he asked looking at me. Yeah, we're good. I said smiling. So, do you need a ride or... I said my voice trailing off. He looked at me. Would you mind taking me to your hotel so I could talk to Colt and maybe get him back as my best friend? he asked. Sure, buckle up. I said as I started up the car. He buckled up. You still drive like a,maniac? he asked laughing. I glared at him. Don't test me Brooks. I said laughing and heading to my hotel.

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