Talk With The Bella's

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I knocked on the door. Come in! I heard one of them say. I walked in and saw them getting ready for their match. Hey Miranda. Nikki said and walked over and hugged me. Hey Nicole. I smiled and hugged her back. She pulled back and looked at my cheek. What happened?! Brie asked walking over and looking at it. Apparently when I was in Chicago there was paparazzi and I was hanging out with Phil. Need I explain more? Oh yeah. Nikki said grabbing a magazine. I saw this on a newsstand and I had to read it. So, are you and Phil like...? Of course they're not Nicole! Brie said looking at her sister. Right Miranda? she asked looking at me. What? Oh yeah, Phil and I are just friends. That's it. I said looking at him. What about Mr. Cabana? Nicole asked with a smirk. I laughed and shrugged. I don't know...he's such a great guy and he's my best friend but I don't know...There's just. There's a certain Best In The World? Brie asked looking at me. Yeah, I said with a smile. Girl, you know I love you like my own sister but I honestly think you should be with Colt. Why? I asked looking at her. I don't know, he just seems more of a nicer guy and he's so sweet. She had a point. And Phil he's just...what's the word? A man whore? I asked looking at her. Yeah! That's the word she said. I thought about it...She had a point. I got up. Thanks for the talk ladies. I said hugging each of them. Good luck in your match tonight. Thanks Miranda. they both said. I walked to the door. And Miranda. I turned around and looked at Brie. Think about what I said okay? I nodded and walked to Vince's office.

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