Chapter 10 ~ Friends?

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it was finally the end of the school day. We all hear the bell ring and all of my classmates begin to pack their bags and run back home. I was packing up my stuff as my history teacher came and spoke to me.

"Y/n you are failing this class and I think it's time you have a tutor." She says calmly. UHHH. Tori will KILL me. She's basically like a mum to me. And as for my parents.. I had an abusive dad because my mum cheated on him and took his anger out on me. I have scars since then. On my stomach and I haven't shown anyone that. That's why I'm insecure about my body. My dad used to hit me and there would be blood but I can't stand blood which makes me so weak I just let him do it. But that was when I was 14.. I'm 17 now so I've moved on and I will never go back to them again. I'm so happy tori was there for me whe- "Y/n! Are you even listening to me?" I get cut off by Mr White. "I- yeah. I just- yeah." I stuttered. "So it'll be okay if Emily was to tutor you?" He asked. "You mean Fields? Yeah sure if she's okay with it." I responded. "I'll tell her tomorrow. You are dismissed." He says bluntly.

I walk out of the classroom and started to walk home. I put my earphones in and started to listen to often by the weeknd. I walk for a bit with my hands in my pockets and I feel my phone vibrate and my music stop. I take out my phone and it says Vanessa.

On call..

Y/n? Where are you?

I'm nearly home why?

Seriously... you actually forgot you were coming to my house after school.

Ohhhhhhhhhh I'm so sorry! My history teacher made me stay back and talk to me about having a tutor cuz my grades are so bad. I completely forgot! I'm on my way now

It's okaaaay. The address is (insert address). I'll wait. Ring the door bell when you're here. Byeeee see you later.

She hug up.

Man I have the worst memory.

I turn on my heels and walk to Vanessa's house. I've been walking for about 5 mins and I finally get to Nessa's house. I knock on the door and I wait looking around. The door opened.

"Heyyyyy." Vanessa said as she hugged me tightly. "I- can't breathe." She lets go if the hug. "I'm sorry." She smiles and looks down. "Hey. So why did you want me to come round." I asked curiously. She looked up at me. "Oh right so we can talk about what.. nearly happened 2 weeks ago. And you know, to catch up." She smiles and gestures me to go inside her house.

Wow it was big.

I admire the house as she closes the door and grabs my hand to go up the stairs. We walk upstairs and there are 4 doors. She lets go of my hand and I frown a little bit but she opens one of the 4 doors and walks inside. I follow her and I see her plop down on her bed. I sit on the edge of the bed. "Okay y/n..." she sits up from the bed and sits next to me. "I really missed you."  She hugs me. I hug her back. Her hands were around my neck as mine were wrapped around her waist. It was perfect. I wanted to stay like that forever. I missed her so much. "I missed you too" I spoke up. We pull away and she looks at me intensely. I look at her hazel beautiful eyes as she looks right into mine. Her eyes went down to my lips and then back up to my eyes. I want to kiss her. So badly. You know what. "Fuck it" I said and I leaned in to kiss her. Our lips touched for real, they are so soft, but she pulled away. She didn't kiss me back. She stood up from her bed and looked at me. "I- I can't do that." She started to stutter. "I'm sorry! I just couldn't help myself." I said whispering the last bit. "y/n that can never happen again." My heart broke when she said that. "ye-yeah I understand I just-" she cut me off. "It's fine. Don't worry about it." She smiled at me. I smiled back at her. "I just made things awkward I'm sorry." I laughed nervously as she was getting something form her draw. She bent over and I saw her ass- omgggg what is wrong with me! "So.. friends?" She asked. "Always." I smiled at her.  "Do you want to watch a movie?" She asks . "Uh- yeah sure. What movie?" I asked. "I don't mind you can choose." She replied. "How about jigsaw?" I asked smiling. "What- no y/n, there is no way that I'm watching a scary film. Or else I won't be able to sleep. And I'll just keep jumping on you when the scary bits happen." She panicked. I laughed at her cuteness. "I wouldn't mind that." I whispered hoping she wouldn't hear me. "Mind what?" Shit she heard. "Uh nothing." I smiled at her. She got her computer and searched up jigsaw. We both snuggled up next to each other cuz we were both scared. It was about half way through the movie when a scary bit happened, she dug her face at the crook of my neck and put her arms around my waist. "Hey it's okay, it's not real." I played with her hair. "But it's scary" she held on to me tighter. I didn't mind it soooo :). Then suddenly the door bell rang. We both jumped and held onto each other. It looked like she was about to cry. "It's okay I'll get it. It's just the door." I said getting up. But she pulled me back. "But- but it could be jigsaw." She said quietly. "It's not real. It's okay I'll be back." I laughed and kissed her cheek. Then I realised what I did. "Oh I'm- im sorry. I'll get the door now." I said mentally face palming myself. I walk down the stairs and I slowly got to the door. The bell rang again and it broke my ear drums as I jumped and I quickly opened the door.

"WHAT!" I screamed without looking at the person.

"y/n?" They said.

"What are you doing here!" I gritted through my teeth.

"I could ask you the same."

Sorry I'm not active :( I'm really busy but here is chapter 10. Hope you enjoy :)
Sorry it's bad :( ❤️ who is the person that showed up at Vanessa's house? Have a guess :) ❤️

Be YOUnique 💜
Rejection is protection 💙

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