Chapter Fifty

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Anger fuelled her steps once more: anger for all she had to endure to save their souls and anger for those who still questioned her. In her heart she knew she must tear it all down to build it back up again in her own image, she would teach her child well and they would start a new society on a new Earth, and none would dare oppose her ever again or the dynasty she'd create. She would use this interview with Dominique to finish what she'd begun and build her own paradise from the ashes. Without a single glance upwards, she unexpectedly found herself at the door of the MediBay - the gentle pulse of machinery had guided her steps towards the only man who ever meant anything to her worth keeping.

Jaibles looked up at her with red eyes. 'I'll give you two a moment, then.'

She stood at the foot of the pod and stared down at the pale, lifeless form of Monkey: the only one who truly understood her sacrifice - understood it with his life, but she could no more find tears for him than she could find tears for herself.

'Don't worry,' she said softly, 'our God knows what you have sacrificed for our cause and there will be a special place for you in his paradise.' she placed one hand against the glass lid of the pod and another on her stomach. 'We will all be there as a family to celebrate our glorious victory, I promise you that. I will destroy all who stand against what we have built. I will rid our people of every poisonous root that Abaddon planted until there is no one left to speak his name.'

She leant forward and gently kissed the glass, leaving her mark behind her as she strode defiantly towards her S News interview with Dominique and destiny.

Hair and makeup buzzed frantically around Dominique as he screamed at his Producer: 'I could care less how much we lose in ad revenue, kill the commercials and give me Camera 4. This is a once in a lifetime interview with Susan the Unworthy to calm the fleet and make history; if you want to explain to the Supreme Leader why even more of his Corporate shuttles were destroyed, then you be my guest.' "Hair" listened to the telling pause in the Producer's response before giving his muffled reply. 'Thank you. Now she's already online, so bring me back on in five... four... three...'

He pushed hair and makeup out of shot and readied his 'welcome back' face.

'Welcome back, m'loves! Chaos and confusion reign within the fleet! Turning on itself; turning on our Corporate Shuttles. The call for calm has come from all sides and now, I believe we can go to Susan the Unworthy - Susan, are you there love?'

Susan stared at the camera and gave only the slightest of motions that acknowledged his question. Backlit by the pulsing purple of the gridded neon shield, it cast a deep menacing shadow across her face.

'Susan,' Dominique continued, 'your conflict with the Supreme leader is well known, but with the death count from the two Corporate shuttles alone totalling over 300 thousand, whatever this Rupert and Tiffany did, surely it doesn't warrant the loss of so many innocent lives?'

'Rupert and Tiffany were innocent. They shot no one, they killed no one,' said Susan, her rage building.

'That is not the report that we got, Susan..'

'Of course you didn't,' chastised Susan, 'why would you? You're nothing more than the inane puppet of your cruel master. You spend your time feeding us his half truths and lies and now you wonder why we are sick and starving for change?'

'Which is why calm is needed, now more than ever, to...'

'The time for calm has passed. The time for negotiation has passed. The time for your lies has passed! In the name of Alan, I declare Holy War on Abaddon and all his puppets of manipulation! S News and EDEN are as much to blame for the death of Monkey as Abaddon when he pulled that trigger; you all have blood on your hands and now it is time for you to be cleansed. I call on my Fleet to rise up and sacrifice their ashes to the heavens and the glory of ALAN!'

The God Complex: The Book Of Alan, Destroyer Of WorldsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon