Chapter Forty-Seven

Start from the beginning

The Archangel was ready for take off, but there was someone they refused to leave without. They raced towards the cells with Jaibles making an effective human battering ram, took out the two guards on duty with relative ease, and busted Monkey free. But no sooner had they rounded the first corner than they were met by a troop of Susan's guards. They readied themselves for a fight as Susan marched to the front to claim what was hers.

'Monkey will remain on my shuttle until the date of his sacrificial execution is set.'

'We all know you're not going to execute the father of your unborn child, Susan,' said Gabe. 'So just let him come with us and we'll leave Justice for Earth and find our own way of stopping Abaddon.'

'What a surprise, another man who underestimates me.' She looked him up and down with contempt, 'you're all the same.'

'And you're so different? For all your sermonising about Abaddon, you're acting an awful lot like him.'

'Bring the prisoner,' ordered Susan turning on her heels. 'I suggest you report at the new headquarters along with the rest of my fleet or you too will be declared an enemy of the people.'

Monkey gave them a consoling look and offered himself up without a fight. There had already been too much violence on his account.

'What now?' said Jaibles watching his friend melt into the darkness.

'We have no choice,' said Gabe. 'Monkey was ready to sacrifice himself for us, so we need to do everything in our power to make sure they escape safely.'

'Then it's 'rescue mission Space Pirate style',' winked Jaibles, his eyebrows dancing suggestively.

'Come on, let's get back to the Archangel.'

'Welcome back m'loves to hour four of our dramatic fight for redemption, and I'm thrilled to say we can finally go over to Mission Control and the heroic Supreme Leader, who has gallantly opened up his control room to our cameras, bringing us, in real time, the destruction of Susan the Unworthy and Justice for Earth to guarantee us Paradise. Supreme Leader Abaddon, can you hear me?'

'Howdy, Dominique,' said Abaddon, open collared and sporting an EDEN cowboy hat and combat jacket. 'As y'all can see, I'm on the front line of our war against terrorism. From this vantage point, I will be leading our brave fleet into battle and victory.'

'Supreme Leader, how can you be assured that you are doing God's work in ridding us of the traitor, Susan?'

'Through my intel, I discovered Susan had been keeping important information about how the Lord Alan wants to be worshiped. Information that would have surely redeemed us by now.'

'So Susan has been deliberately sabotaging our chances of Paradise?' said Dominique shocked.

'I'm afraid so, Dom. You see the Lord God Alan demands blood sacrifices. He's an ol' red-blooded, warrior type of God, who requires the spilling of blood in his name to be appeased, and that's exactly what we're going to give him today by the gallon.'

'Incredible stuff! I'm hearing we now have a live link set up to all the EDEN attacking fleet, bringing you the viewer a front row seat to the death of every heathen - only on S News: the Fleet's No.1 channel for redemption and Blood Sacrifices. Over to you, Supreme Leader.'

'Okay boys. Let's go save humanity.'

Swirling colours danced on the screen as the Military fleet hyper-jumped to a small orange planet floating peacefully under the orbit of its two suns. Bursts of lights peppered the planet's atmosphere as Justice for Earth evacuated in all directions.

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