Chapter Forty-Six

Start from the beginning

'Your Queen is ready for you now,' interrupted a guard tapping on the bars.

'Thank Alan,' exclaimed Wildcard in relief as she climbed to her feet. 'Whatever our fate, it has to be more bearable than this.'

They were led deep into the mountain to a vast antichamber illuminated by hundreds of candles, flickering an inferno of shadows across the ceiling. All remaining members of Justice for Earth were gathered there in two galleries, bookending a makeshift stand that faced a raised wooden platform. Occupying that platform, as judge, jury and executioner was Susan the Unworthy, dressed in black and flanked by heavily armed guards, she remained in a heated discussion with Kali as they were led to their podium.

When Susan saw them, she nodded curtly towards her advisor who banged his ceremonial birdcage cane loudly against the stone floor, drawing an immediate hush. He threw himself to the floor and crawled uncomfortably towards Susan, who glared at Jaibles.

'Your Unworthiness, we bring before you the wretched beasts that disobeyed your orders and brought unnecessary risk to our cause.'

'How do you plead?' remarked Susan bathed in a regal glow.

'Not guilty, your honour,' shouted Jaibles.

''Really,' replied Susan coldly. 'I'd be interested to hear your defence.'

'Well, when we joined you, we were already self-confessed Space Pirates, so to expect us to act against our nature is like expecting your advisor here to not embarrass himself by kissing your arse at every available opportunity.'

Susan's jaw tightened.

'And if that doesn't work, then I'd already taken the Archangel off the system, so technically it wasn't part of your fleet when we took off, so technically, we didn't disobey your orders.'

'I've heard enough,' declared Susan getting to her feet.

'We don't have time for this!' yelled Kali in frustration.

Susan sighed and nodded towards her guards who forcefully escorted Kali from the chamber as she screamed. 'Jäger knows the location of this base. We're no longer safe here. We have to evacuate before it's too late.'

'I hereby find you guilty of piracy and disobeying a direct order. As such, an example must be made to deter others.'

Her icy stare bore into Jaibles as she passed her judgement.

'I declare that one of you be sacrificed to our Lord God Alan, Destroyer of Worlds...'

Distention and shock murmured through the room.

'... this sacrifice will ensure our victory over Abaddon and expedite our Lord's return. This individual has shown a blatant disregard...'

'I will be sacrificed,' declared Monkey.

Susan's stoney expression wavered briefly and her hand subconsciously flinched towards her stomach. Silence filled the room.

'Mate, no,' pleaded Jaibles. 'I want this. To be honest, I think I've wanted it for a long while.'

'No,' declared Monkey loudly. 'If this is the person she wants to be, then she's going to have to do it the hard way.'

Anger raged within Susan at this most personal of betrayals as she stared helplessly at Monkey. Retaining her composure, she held her head high.

'So be it. Take him away until further notice.' She picked up her flowing gown and stormed off to her quarters.

The hours passed in silence back in the cell, where Gabe, Jaibles and Pembo sat with Monkey, who wallowed pitifully in his cage.

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