Chapter Forty-Four

Start from the beginning

A smile crept across Pembo's mouth as the murmuring heightened.

'Jäger Yamagotchi.'

A young man dressed in black stepped forward. His long hair, so black it shone blue against the neon lights, was swept back into a bun. Bowing low towards Susan, he looked up at her with emerald eyes.

'I am here to serve, your Unworthiness.'

'What do you know of your part in the previous plan?'

'Nothing, your Unworthiness.'

'Then allow me to enlighten you.'

Kali gesticulated wildly towards Pembo in protestation, who, with a single glance ordered her to step down.

'You were to use your connection to Abaddon to feed him false information, but I believe to limit your involvement to just this is to limit our chances of defeating Abaddon for good. So here is what I want from you.'

Susan nodded to her advisor who pulled down a detailed map of the fleet.

'First, you are to feed Abaddon the information that we are to attack his personal assets here at the far westerly point of the fleet, far from his personal shuttle and EDEN Military stronghold at the opposite end.'

Jager nodded his compliance.

'Captain Bingram.'

'Aye aye Skipper!' he bellowed.

'The reason Jager is going to feed him this information is because you are going to take our full fleet of shuttles and attack his personal assets at the far westerly point of the fleet.'

'So no longer just a decoy, but a full scale battle with the Military Police who will be expecting us and lying in wait with their full arsenal of tanks?'

'Yes,' said Susan.

'We're going to get torn apart!' he laughed maniacally. 'I love it!'

'While Captain Bingram is drawing Abaddon's forces to the west - JJ and Kali: You will continue your mission as planned to secure the Serpentine Media broadcast tower, however you will no longer have access to the weapon.'

'Then how are we supposed to do it?' objected Kali.

'We can help with that,' said Gabe as Jaibles gave her two thumbs up from across the briefing room.

'There,' pacified Susan, staring Kali down. 'While our forces occupy the EDEN Military's attention to the west, and you secure the broadcast tower to the north, Jäger is to take the weapon...'

'I've called it the Nutcracker,' beamed Jaibles.

'Indeed,' continued Susan tiring of the interruption. 'As I was saying, Jäger is to take the "Nutcracker" and affix it to his shuttle, the YAMA 2010.

A low rumble of confusion and worry cracked open and spilled across the room.

Susan raised her voice.

'For only Jäger Yamagotchi has the credentials and the clearance to dock with the SS YAMA Pharmaceuticals, located next to Abaddon's private shuttle. It is here we secure our redemption for this and future generations, because just before Jäger docks, when he is at the closest point between the SS Abaddon One and the SS YAMA Pharmaceuticals, he will fire the weapon and offer this sacrifice to the Lord God Alan.'

'But there are thousands aboard that shuttle,' said Monkey.

'Then they shall all be sacrificed,' snapped Susan.

'I will go with him,' announced Pembo stepping forward. 'This is too important to leave to someone so new, besides, Abaddon's life is mine to take and no one else's.'

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