Speaking of siblings do they know of the accident?.

So coming out of my shock just as I was about to leave the room, my phone started ringing.

At first I did not want to pick up as it was from a private unknown number but something in my Gut was telling me to pick up.

Just as I picked up the phone and said"hello"

Someone on the other line started laughing loudly and they said" you thought you could win and run from me little one? "

If yes, then you are a fool because see your dear parents had to pay for a sin they never committed. So sad.

On recognising his voice I shouted you monster how dare u do this to my family to your own brother??

He got angry and said you bitch how many times have I told you he was not my brother and he deserved to die anyway.

I started crying and said u killed them deliberately why?

To which he answered "simple to take revenge from you and to give you a lesson that you can never run away from me"

Why did you kill my mother I started shouting if u claimed you love her?

That sick bastard started laughing again and said your whore of a mother would have never accepted me after your father's death  hence I killed her too.

"You sick bastard I will kill you." I replied in my sobbing state.

"Haha you will never be able to do anything to me bitch or you know the consequences and plus this time I will surely finish the job I left 3 years ago. I should have raped you is the biggest regret of all. But once I lay my hands in you I swear I will surely do the deed this time."

Sleep with your eyes open woman cause I am coming for you. And don't you dare tell this to anyone or I will not hesitate in taking another life probably amongst your brother or your sister. You never know. So tread carefully.

And with that he cut the call.

On hearing his voice all the memories started coming back in my head which I had tried to bury all these years.

I fell on the floor and sobbed loudly and kept on chanting " Mom Dad I am so sorry I should have warned you please forgive me"

Please come back I shouted and was crying badly.

This was the condition in which someone found me and wrapped their arms around me. I was so exhausted  that I did not realise when my room's door was opened and who had wrapped me in their arms.
Till the time that person said Sh-Sh don't cry love Mom Dad won't like it and that's when I realised that my elder sister was here who had hugged me and she was crying too.

I was So realived that I was not alone. I hugged her back and asked her how she came here and how did she come to know?

She told me she got a call from the hospital and she said"  imagine my state when I got to know that my parents were no more and that my younger sister unconscious and in a unstable state at the hospital. "

I was so scared that something would have happened to you.
So I flew overnight and came directly here.
I can't lose you too sister. We have already lost Soo much.

"You would never lose me sis I promise you that",  I said to her.

What about our brother? Does he know?

No! He doesn't I did not have the courage to tell him. Now that we are together we will tell him the news together.
I said ok and hugged my sister back and started crying and venting out my pain. In my emotional state I was gonna tell my sister all about that monster to when I remembered his warning and I bit my tongue and refrained from telling her.

But as usual my sister being a Lawyer  caught me and she kept on pestering me what I was not telling her but I said nothing and to divert the topic I told her all about Celine.
My sister was astonished about hearing her  and told me  she would meet her before leaving.

I thought I had managed to divert my sister's brain from the secret.
However she did not forget about it and told me she would find it  out herself one way or the other.

As we were about to leave the room, there was a knock.
My sister went to open the door and that's when a lawyer entered into our room.

He introduced himself as our parents lawyer and told us that we needed to come to his office tomorrow for the will reading of our parents.

We never knew our parents had a will.
So we thanked the lawyer and told him we would be there tomorrow.

As he left my sister closed the door and told me to go home and  pack my bags as I was going back  with her tomorrow after the will reading.

I was in a no state to fight back so I complied and that's how we went out of the hospital together to my new apartment.

On reaching my apartment I asked my sister if she wanted something to drink?

She said "no" but she did ask me a question which made me stop where I was going.

She asked me if I knew how our parents died?

At first I became quiet but after a few seconds in order not to create a doubt in my sister's head and get to know her about the truth or to put her in trouble I told her I did not know.
I told her all I knew was that it was an accident and a drunk  driver had hit them.

At first my sister seemed to believe my story but she later told me that she knew I was hiding something very important which I was not telling her. I turned my head the other side and told her I was not hiding anything.
She did not believe a word I said and told me that even if I did not want to tell her she will find out about it herself.

With that she left my place not before telling me that tomorrow before the will reading she wanted to visit the apartment where our parents lived.

I said " ok " and after that she hugged me and kissed me on the head and told me to take care myself  and left.
Phew!  Such a emotional and Intense chapter right?
I cried so much writing it myself.
So what do u think -  Will cally's sister come to know about the dark secret?
Will Cally be able to protect her sister and all her dear and loved ones from that monster on time?
And when do u think will cally's brother come to know about the truth about their parents?

Comment below.....

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