"Where were you two?" He asked. I was gonna answer until Axel interrupted me.

"Does it even matter. Go back to your whore already." I was shocked at hearing those words. Axel brushed past him and went inside.

"What's going on between you both?"

"Nothing you should worry yourself about." He kissed my head and went inside as well. I never worried about them fighting with each other, but I couldn't help being curious. Oh well I'm sure they'll resolve it sooner or later.

Damian's POV

"Nearly 3 months already!! Look at her! She's so adorable!" Squealed Dahlia as she shoved the ultrasound picture in my face.


"Well I don't know the sex yet, but I feel like it'll be a girl." She walked around her room and she talked non stop. "Let's name her Something with a D since both our names start with it."

"Dahlia chill out. You're getting too excited." She smiled at me as she lifted her shirt and put my hand on her slightly bulging stomach. It was kicking for a bit until I glared at her stomach making it stop.

'It seems it knows I mean to do it harm.'

"Isn't it magical? This baby is the product of our love! I'm just so happy."

"As am I." I kissed her hand as she blushed.

"We should get this done." Dahlia was referring to how she was going to tell her parents. She put the copy of the ultrasound in a frame that said 'Future Grandchild' and then put it into a box. She wrapped it in pink wrapping paper with a white ribbon. Just as she finished wrapping it her parents car had pulled up.

"They're here." I told her. We went downstairs and waited in the kitchen where balloons were tied to a chair and a mini cake awaited them.

Her parents came in with their suitcases and were surprised to see us (more like me for that matter).

"Mom, Daddy! I missed you so much!" She hugged them both and welcomed them in. "Sit down."

They sat and looked at the mini cake that said 'Welcome Home' in pink letters. I introduced myself and had small chat, a little bit of cake, and heard stories from their business trip. Of course I managed to charm them and instantly win them over.

"We have a surprise for you!" She beamed. She set the gift in front of them and waited for them to open it.

Her mother slowly untied the ribbon and once the pulled out the picture frame, they were completely mortified. Her mother cried and her father was the one to do the yelling.

"Have you no shame, Dahlia!! How could you be so reckless!! You've thrown your life away!"

"Daddy a child is a blessing! Whether you like it or not, you're going to be a grandfather!"

"A grandfather to a whore's child!" Oh shit I did not expect him to say that. This is getting more entertaining by the minute.

"Daddy! How could you say that to your own child!"

"You are no longer my child! Get out and don't you dare step back into this house ever again!!"

"Fine then! At least I'll have the love of my life AND our baby!"

Dahlia grabbed my hand and ran upstairs to pack a bag. She mostly packed all her clothes, make-up, shoes and the essentials. As soon as we walked out of the house she started crying as I just stood there.

"So cruel I have no where else to go, but your place!"

"You can't remember!"

"You can't just let the mother of your unborn child live on the streets! Maybe your parent's will understand?"

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